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  • Jun 15, 2010
  • Joined Jul 18, 2009
  • Nice gear, Danny. I have always been a bit partial to Ibanez myself, but I see you could not resist getting a Strat. Good looking amp too!
    • An interesting interview with Jimi Hendrix revealed that he was highly amused at people covering some of his studio recorded versions, including, as he called it, his "mistakes"! Go figure!
      • singemonkey wrote:
        Your performance can only be truly judged by the audience. You're too biased to see it objectively.
        I think you hit the nail on the head!
        • Yea, guys, the fun starts after 40 when they give you the "finger". Bummer! (pun intended).....oh, and the kleenex they give you is not to wipe away the tears....ha ha!
          • Just "feels" so good!

            I'm gonna tell her you said that! Pervert!!
            • Andrew, impressive man!
              Roundy Moundy sounds like Dan Patlansky meeting Agent Orange from Blues Broers
              Mirror Mix has traces of "Dark Night" from the soundtrack of "From Dusk till Dawn". Who is the vocalist? She has it going on!!
              Politicsmix (good name!) sounds Johnny Clegg/Via Africa/E-Void inspired

              I guess if we had more time at DPW we could have got some awesome jams going there! Well you never know, we may run into each other further on down the road!
              • O.K. Bob, it just dawned on me......! BobC from T/O. See you at work some time.
                • Stratisfear wrote: Firstly, sod you lot, I LOVE my 3-bolt Stratoflop (which was good enough for Jimi).
                  I'm with Stratisfear on this one!!
                  • Brentcgp wrote:
                    Stratisfear wrote: Firstly, sod you lot, I LOVE my 3-bolt Stratoflop. So there. >☹ (I'll even up the ante with this: ? )

                    Secondly, maybe it has a new set of strings on it. (As far as I can tell, that's become de rigeur for anyone selling a guitar on Gumtree and wanting an inflated price these days...)

                    hehehe Sorry ?

                    There is always one Stratocaster amongst the Stratoflops! I played on clear finish 70s strat hardtail before and it was wonderful. . . So I know there are decent ones
                    Brent I hope that was mine at Dan's weekend?
                    • Alan and AJA, you are both right. I guess that also links back to the lack of "true" (and by that I mean original) talent in SA. You have to admit though, the boy can play!!
                      • I think we have more than enough talented (and potentially superb) players in South Africa, but a lack of promoters/promotions has led to a lot of these potentially great bands/players never getting off the ground and subsequently they give it up in lieu of making a living some other way. Guys like Trevor Rabin and Dave Mathews only reached "stardom" once they left SA for USA. Even Dan Patlansky's "superb" status only really started after his USA tour. Maybe this mindset of the general SA population that anything produced in SA is inferior compared to 1st world countries is part of the problem? I guess if we keep comparing ourselves to the "superstars", we will never make it, but keep in mind that at some stage they were also "wannabe's"

                        Just my humble opinion....
                        • Has anyone seen the YouTube clips of Joe Robinson? WOW, this guy was playing Tommy Emmanuel almost better than Tommy at 16, and he is self taught! Why the hell wasn't I born with that much talent? It almost makes me want to give up playing altogether (fat chance!). Can you imagine how good he will be by the time he reaches Tommy's age!
                          • Neil has always been a far better song writer than guitarist, and his voice is not to everyone's taste, but I think it is exactly this unique style paired with the voice that makes him successful. I love his Unplugged album and although Keira may think it has become "jaded and weak" I still consider Harvest a classic! The only thing that frightens me about Neil is that he has that same look of lunacy in his eyes as Steven King!
                            • lindsmuse wrote:
                              Joop wrote: Mark Knopfler is also pretty dead-pan when he plays.
                              So's Paco ... it's extraordinary - I think if he had to show his true emotions he'd be screaming with pain and tearing his hair out. And jumping up and down. It's just he doesn't have time - there's all this music he has to play ?
                              Interesting interview with Paco revealed that during his collaboration with Al Di Meola and John McLaughlin on "Friday Night in San Francisco", he used to come off stage with a splitting headache from concentrating so hard to improvise. Just comes to show that even someone as talented as himself struggles (not that you would notice) when outside of their comfort zone.
                              • Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                                Joop wrote: Alan, Some pics of the '54
                                Nice indeed! A one-piece ash body and the proper 50's style contouring. Well worth hanging on to.
                                Thanks, Alan
                                I plan to do just that. I know a lot of people buy these instruments so they can make a profit in future, but being a "player", I have no such qualms. If Yuriy built it, it was so that someone can play it not to store it in a box (although I am glad the guy before me did!).
                                As with amps, any guitar has to be broken in, and I can see this baby sounding even better in future.
                                • aubs1 wrote: Hello Joop, nice to have you here........that 54 Strat is just awesome........
                                  Joop wrote:
                                  ............. but I priced a '73 (to complete my collection) ..........
                                  Is any collection ever complete?? ? ?
                                  Lets just say my '70s Fender collection will be complete then!
                                  • One of my favourites/best has always been Private Investigations by Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits). Maybe because of the semi-acoustic nylon guitar.
                                    • Mark Knopfler is also pretty dead-pan when he plays.
                                      • Don't forget Gabriela Quintero of Rodrigo Y Gabriela fame! She "smokes" a Flamenco guitar with the best of them! Would be interesting to pair her up with someone like Paco De Lucia.
                                        • Graeme Parfett wrote: Who the hell is Ann?
                                          That's Ann-Margret, actress/prikkelpop back in the 60's/70's, but at 68 I am sure she won't look so good without her broeks now! (I must admit, I had a bit of a crush on her as a boy!)

                                          Info from IMDB:
                                          This Swedish-born actress and singer was one of the most famous sex symbols and actresses of the 1960s and beyond.
                                          She was Oscar-nominated for Tommy (1975), the rock opera film of the British rock band The Who. (That could be the source of the photo?)
                                          She formed a lifelong bond of friendship with Elvis Presley in their first pairing in Viva Las Vegas (1964).

                                          Now you know Graeme!