Come now Danny, you're just round the corner and I still have that backplate of yours...
Nice gear
Nice gear
In my outfit the roland made my boxes sound harsh and unpleasant. The Lionheart's clean is just as good(albeit can't get as much clean headroom), and I prefer how it take's my stomps. Each to his own...D major wrote: Amazed that you traded the big Roland for such a little tube amp. In my outfit Roland is king. Big, loud and oh so clean ...
Hey DannyDanny B wrote: Finally got round to learning how to post pics, and just went through the whole shebang of taking and uploading pictures of my gear.
So here it is!
No. 1. This is my favourite guitar. Can't play on my others like I can on this...
He is Mojo Minatour!
This is a really comfortable neck joint. A joy to play.
No eye gougery here! ?
No. 2. He hath no name. Be he jazzeth like no other:
No. 3. This is a recent acquistion, and still has to be set up. Being my first strat, I have no idea how to do that, and everthing ends up confusing me! It's a sweet guitar though. '57/'62 pups, gotoh locking tuners, soft V neck. From the Classic Players series.
Next in the signal chain:
Boss TU 12, Dunlop 535Q Crybaby, MI Audio Blue Boy Deluxe, Ibanez Tube King. I like only having a few boxes. At one point I had that, another distortion, flanger, chorus, octaver and delay. Just too much. Getting a Monte Allum modded CS3 in a few days, which should be sweet...
The final bit - Laney Lionheart Halfstack. My pride and joy ?. Got it very recently after trading in my JC 120 for a ridiculous amount of money. It's a 20w Class A EL84 driven amp. Having thought I always was a firm Fender amp fan, this won me over with it's awesome crunch tones, and rich clean tones! It also happens to be very attractive ?. Strange for an amp...
Nice Strat Dan! And a well set up Strat is a magical instrument.Danny B wrote: No. 3. This is a recent acquisition, and still has to be set up. Being my first strat, I have no idea how to do that, and everything ends up confusing me! It's a sweet guitar though. '57/'62 pups, gotoh locking tuners, soft V neck. From the Classic Players series.
Famous last words for someone with one of the biggest boards on the forum now! ?Danny B wrote: Next in the signal chain:
Boss TU 12, Dunlop 535Q Crybaby, MI Audio Blue Boy Deluxe, Ibanez Tube King. I like only having a few boxes. At one point I had that, another distortion, flanger, chorus, octaver and delay. Just too much. Getting a Monte Allum modded CS3 in a few days, which should be sweet...