I'd venture that it's because most artists in that area are generally operating solo - collaborating with others when they want to but when they want to. Bands are much more difficult affairs. There are often problems in bands because all that the band members have in common is the band - they are not really friends.Keira WitherKay wrote:
STRANGE BUT in the acoustic scene we mostly support each other ....i mean i have had steve newman/ greg geogiades /albert meintjies and just about all the other acoustic muso's at my gigs and they just wanna jam along and be supportive....... tony cox even set up a gig for me he couldn't do........guy buttery was offering me management advice..... maybe it's the hippie approach and culture related to the acoustic scene.... we too laid back to get competitive..... heheheh or maybe it's those funny cigarettes we smoke.... to us it's all about "peace and light" ............ if you know what i mean ....
i wonder if anyone in acoustic market has had any of that nasty negative competitiveness happen to them... be interesting to hear ....
Working as a solo act means that the only egos you have to contend with are your own and those of people that you chose to collaborate it (and can chose not to collaborate with again).
Nothing to do with funny cigarettes. Plenty of people in the pop/rock scene smoke those too.