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I would say something about making this a sticky thread, but, erm...
    are there guitars in the photos... i didn't see any....?
      you blurred out the boobs but not the vagina
      :goodtimes: :roflmao:
        djpauw wrote: are there guitars in the photos... i didn't see any....?
        Ja DJ........LOL!!!...... ?
          Great find! These bands looks like they could shred back in the day!
          What happened to naked girl bands? I just can find any playing these days 8)
            Graeme Parfett wrote: Who the hell is Ann?
            She's the one who's into supply officers.
              I think that one picture was from the band "Cameltoe"
                Graeme Parfett wrote: Who the hell is Ann?
                That's Ann-Margret, actress/prikkelpop back in the 60's/70's, but at 68 I am sure she won't look so good without her broeks now! (I must admit, I had a bit of a crush on her as a boy!)

                Info from IMDB:
                This Swedish-born actress and singer was one of the most famous sex symbols and actresses of the 1960s and beyond.
                She was Oscar-nominated for Tommy (1975), the rock opera film of the British rock band The Who. (That could be the source of the photo?)
                She formed a lifelong bond of friendship with Elvis Presley in their first pairing in Viva Las Vegas (1964).

                Now you know Graeme!
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