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  • Jul 7, 2011
  • Joined Oct 9, 2009
  • Now that is one clever Tele! I want one
    • I could look to bring you some back from Hong Kong or China....

      How many do you need? What size and what is your budget?
      • Back in SA I also failed once, because I did not make use of a driving school.... Apparently they have some arrangement regarding kickbacks.

        Second time I passed, but when they were completing my paperwork and the next person arrived, the officer made some remark about "thinking" that I would be the last one to pass that day. Sounded more like his mind was made.

        Soon now I will take on the Namibian system as I need to get a motorcycle license. After 7 years my wife finally allowed me to get one. I used to ride before I met her....
        • The big thing is you are not looking for a place with a massive sign saying Gibson, Fender, ESP in here!

          The factories are just contractors who produce the goods so they have different names, more often than not in their local language.

          Sorry bro', it's gonna be real hard to find.
          • I was keeping quiet cos I had an unfair advantage after your last PM to me about my Pedaltrain...

            Who did you end up buying from?
            • Aha! That would be it yes....

              In my experience, pots (and some other parts) are sometimes coated in a type of clear (invisible) resin preventing a proper electrical connection. Therefor I usually take some sandpaper or a file to them first, then clean it a bit with a cloth and then solder. Also I go for a big blob of solder on a pot. Doesn't look all that neat, but I definitely get a good connection.
              • Linear = "normal"

                I've never looked at the specs of commercially available PSUs from the like of RS, so I dont want to comment too much, but if you do buy one and find that the ripple is too much you can always just add a big ol' cap after it to smooth out the ripple more.

                If I didn't buy the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 plus for a bargain recently, I would just have built my own.
                • A "varitone" is just a rotary switch, usually 5 or 6 positionallowing you to select between different tone cap values (and types).

                  Check out RS components, I'm sure they'll have a few different rotary switches for far less than US 45.
                  • Th pots can not really sound brighter... That will be a sign that the values of the caps and or pots differ. Same value pots with same caps should not produce a noticable difference in tone.

                    For me pot quality is more about the feeling of it and the life expectancy.

                    For better tone look at the caps. I'm with Mikey with regard to PIOs. Alternatively try orange drops.

                    Another thing I am tremendously happy with on my LP is my grounding. I put some serious copper plate in and the thing is DEAD quiet.

                    Enjoy your project!
                    • OK... I'm not even gonna ask how you manage to mess up the simple wiring of a Tele...... Think you'd better stay away from my LP, you may get lost between all the wires (4x push-pull pots).

                      Anyhoo... nice looking pup, would also love to hear it. I'm kinda GASsing for a Tele atm.
                      • 50" is the smallest TV you should have.... Since I got mine all the other just look so small ?

                        Seriously though, it's almost like buying a guitar, go see what YOU like. I went to the shops a number of times to check things out before buying my current TV. It was very clear at the time that the difference/improvement of LED over plasma/LCD were not significant enough to justify the price difference (at the time) and also the price on the one I liked kept dropping almost every week until I bought it after which it went up again(!).

                        Just my thoughts, but go get what YOU like.
                        • Don't waste your money...

                          I have to agree fully with MikeM and as a first-hand experienced owner of the SD JB/Jazz set in my Korean LP (copy) I can with great confidence vouch for these pups. The recordings on the site don't do them justice.

                          Best part is they won't even cost you extra if you can sell the EMGs for 1400.... What did I pay for the SDs again Mikey? Wasn't it like 1400?

                          Anyhoo... I love mine and I am sure you will too. I'd hate buying something that much more expensive and the difference (if any) not being that significant....
                          • I used to build high-end hifi/home theatre speakers some years ago... Make no mistake, the dimensions and design of a speaker enclosure makes a hell of a difference.

                            To be honest, you can slap anything together and it will WORK, but for the best results it is definitely worth doing a proper design.

                            Do a search on Google, there are many sites with good info and also some very nice freeware apps and spreadsheets to help you calculate the best size etc.

                            On a little more technical note, the main thing you want to avoid is a perfectly square box or similar because this will cause resonance at certain frequencies....

                            Just my 2c, peace out
                            • Hey great stuff!

                              Congrats and may Yahweh bless the two of you and your future union!
                              • OK, so the tribe has spoken, Behringer, bring me your torch....

                                I'll put the Dd20 at the end of the chain as suggested.

                                As for drive, you will see in my first post that the rocktek is just temporary (space planning), I have a TS808 and Fulltone OCD coming in.
                                • So since my previous thread got hijacked by the folks who wanna DIY a pedaltrain type thing, I thought I'd start a new one....

                                  Here's the first pic of the first attempt at ordering my pedals on the Pedaltrain:

                                  So of course I have some of my own ideas, but I'd also like to hear some of yours!

                                  My thoughts on pedal order in terms of signal route is this:

                                  1 - Polytune
                                  2 - Wah (535Q)
                                  3 - DD20 as a pre-distortion delay
                                  4 - MXR Dynacomp clone [under construction]
                                  5 - MXR Phase 90 clone [under construction]
                                  6 - EHX Small Clone Chorus clone [under construction]
                                  7 - Overdrive (that Rocktek is soon to be replaced by a TS808 clone [under construction])
                                  8 - Hardwire Reverb
                                  9 - Behringer Digital Delay 600 as post-distortion delay

                                  Main things I am not sure of is the order of no 4 to 6. Also, I feel pretty sure about the positions for the DD20 and DD600, but perhaps someone thinks it is better to swop them...?

                                  Pedal arrangement on the Pedaltrain, I was thinking I like the wah on the righthand side and then the pedals I will be switching most in front and the rest on the second row.....

                                  Please give any comments and suggestions!

                                  • The link says something about Italian, but that particular variation of English looks to me like there are some Chinese guys behind this.
                                    • Gee thanx guys! Didn't think anyone would notice...
                                      • I considered the DIY route, but I guarantee you no-one can do it (to this quality) for less than the R1200 I paid.

                                        And it seems to be aluminium...
                                        • What 6x9 said for the most part.

                                          But what you want to do, especially if you want to make sure you get the real deal, is go to the Tom Lee music shop in Hong Kong or they also have a branch in mainland China... Think it was in Guangzhou or Shenzhen, not sure. Google Tom Lee Music. They have most of the big brands for REAL.

                                          They'll be seeing me before end of the year...