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Just when you thought we forgot about the challenges...!

For December, let's have a stroll down memory lane - t'is the season n' all!

Once upon a time, we had a Hall of Fame of challenge winners - which sadly fell into disrepair (my fault!). But, but, but...we've not yet done a greatest hits.

Going forward, I reckon a yearly playlist of the coolest entries would be a fun way to do it - not necessarily for the ones that won, but for the ones you liked.

What I'm liking about that idea is that your tunes get another listen, without the limits of the topic criteria, so it's little biased towards complete songs.

Let's try three categories: Guitar Forum era (2008-2017), GuitarTalk era (2017-2020) and 2021. Also, if you had a favourite challenge, mention it!

Nominate your favourite tracks for each category and we'll vote on the favourites for each separately. Hopefully we'll end up with some playlists (aka albums) to enjoy!

Guitar Forum Era: 2008-2017. Now, it's a bit tricky for the GFSA era as we hosted those monthly on the GFSA server (and deleted them monthly), so there's only few tracks still available on people's soundcloud's. None of the links to mp3's on the guitarforum.co.za will work. If you entered or have a copy of something you like from this era, please share! This era runs from the very beginning Guitar Forum's Theme Song (Feb 2008) to Spring Blues Challenge (Oct 2017)

GuitarTalk Era: (2017-2020) starts from the Guitar Talk Anthem challenge (Nov 2017) to the GuitarTalk Tribute Challenge (Nov, 2020)

For 2021, we'll start from the Mantra Challenge to last's month's one, Blues with a Twist challenge

Do you have memories of any particular entries you really enjoyed or want to hear again? Let's see if we can track down some of these tunes...

Oh and shameless self indulgence is the name of the game here peeps - reflect on your progress, going through your own tracks is most of the fun! :amused:

⁉How To Enter: Easy, just pick any tunes previously entered in any Guitartalk or Guitar Forum Challenge. And/Or nominate your favourite challenge.

Either, share a link to the tune(s) nominated or upload to your soundcloud and share in this thread or pm me the file to upload to GT soundcloud or upload to this thread as an attachment.

📜Resources: : Well, your entries (if you still have a copy) and/or memories (if they still work :p) are the most useful - so if you have a copy of something or a memory, please share!

  • There is a useful collection of GT playlists, we can use as a starting point. Though this is mostly for 2021 Challenges.
  • There are also some challenge tracks uploaded to GuitarTalk's soundcloud account (before we started making playlists), this has tracks ranging from 2013-2016 - and there are some great ones lurking here...
  • I was struggling to find the original thread for 'Hall of Fame' for all challenge winners prior to 2016, but @Norio tracked it down! There is also thread I started in 2016 Hall of fame 2016 that has some entries (2016- Feb 2017). Some duplication from the GuitarTalk soundcloud account, as it has all the winners.
Please mark each entry with which time frame it is (GuitarForum, GuitarTalk, 2021) so we can keep them grouped together.

Once we've a bunch of tunes, I'll setup some voting threads (one for each album).

If you got any idea's, comments or tweaks to the concept, fire away! I'm spitballing somewhat with this one! =D

EDIT 2021/12/14 : Added Favourite Challenge Category.

    Okay I'll start...

    My first nomination in the GuitarForum era is this banger from @FruitarGeek (Aka Adrian). Out of all the tracks I' ve heard, this one stuck - so, so good.

    studmissile You don't still have this?

    Sadly, nothing that was uploaded to guitarforum servers survived - relying on peeps memories and whatever is gathering dust on the hdd's. My first ever entry is lost to the place wandering electron's go 😁

    However, my sleuthiness even impresses me sometimes... #SheerLuckHolmes.

    Dunno what happened to him, he was really, really talented - the acoustic version of Callisto is fantastic.

    Of course Barry Pieterse. Thank You. Yes he had some great entries.

    • V8 likes this.
    7 days later

    The Guitar Talk SUPER Challenge! 2019
    @Yeti Show must go on.

    Imagine taking on Brain May and Freddy Mercury? Great track.

    • V8 likes this.

    TV Theme Song: Vote! 2018
    @Jazzman105 Hill Street Blues

    Loved the TV Theme Song Challenge.

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      studmissile Loved the TV Theme Song Challenge.

      Link or it didn't happen 😁

      Was thinking to add 'Favourite Challenge' category - you've convinced me.

      The "Picture Challenge - Aug 2014" was my favourite - really have fun memories of that one.

      This was the image I dug

      studmissile Thought this was a great concept.

      +1, also dug the approach - throughly enjoyed this track, especially when the guitars open up - great find!

      studmissile Ahh, that was a fun challenge, totally enjoyed it - forgot I did a cheating by using a looper for ghostbusters ðŸĪĶ‍♂ïļ

      6 days later

      I'm listening back through old challenges and putting together a list.
      ... I have come to a conclusion though. I think we should abandon the GuitarTalk album and just put together an @studmissile album instead!

      Yeti . I think we should abandon the GuitarTalk album and just put together an @studmissile album instead!

      I was wanting to poke @studmissile earlier in the year to think about turning his entries into a album, so when he mentioned having a look back at challenge entries, I figured it was a gentle nudge 😉

      6 days later

      Geez there are some talented artists on this here forum. Just been going through the various 'playlists,' and – man oh man – whatever ends up on this 'album,' it's gonna be a killer.

      We really should try to us this album as a 'demo.' That could enable the peeps whose tracks get nominated to complete them, get into a studio, record them properly and get them on streaming services. Thoughts?

        So I've finally finished going through all the challenges since I joined... and my shortlist of favourites is 27 songs long. ðŸĪĶ‍♂ïļ
        Yeah... I should probably trim that a little before posting.

        • V8 likes this.
        • V8 replied to this.

          Yeti Nice one! And don't trim - mine's like two songs long a.t.m ðŸĪŠ

          • Yeti replied to this.

            Yup. This @Yeti 'Show Must Go On' entry gets my vote for inclusion. Defos.


            V8 lol
            Fine... just need to figure out how to format it... them's a lot of songs!

            • V8 likes this.