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This forum needs a theme song. It's going to be placed as a prominent link in the header so that everyone who visits us can give it a listen and we'll change it every now and again.

Main ingredients:

  • Guitar!
  • Bass
  • Drums

Everything else is optional and the above isn't set in stone, as long as it sounds good, it will be considered!

Start recording!

(old forum) Poll Results: GuitarForum's Theme Song...

  • Andrew's "Guitar Forum Sampler: 5
  • Rene's Solo (Originally for the Collaboration): 1
  • Sepheritoh's "SA Guitar Forum Theme": 0
  • Gareths "Lil Idea" (Originally for the Collaboration): 0
  • Alan's "Dense Wall of Guitars": 6
    And, of course, all submitted songs must be your original work and completely unique, plus, by entering, you give me permission to use your song to promote the forum.
      Awesomw idea!

      I need to get back n record something. This will give me some reason to get off my @$$.

      Any limit on the length? 1min? 2min? Forever looping?
        No maximum length, if you can keep us interested in what you're playing for a full 10 minutes, go for it. Prefer the short, punchy 2 mins? Do that then ?

        As long as you have fun!
          Here's an idea what if we lay down a blues backtrack in say Am and everybody submitts their best 4 bars of solo and we edit it all together as the most awsome democratic blues composition - I'd be prepaired to help coordinate this.
            I like that idea.
              on GMC they actually had something similarity, one guy did the main riff and the rest each played a mini solo ?
                I'm all for that -- as long as someone else (looks at Alan) is doing the editing ?
                  I'd actually like to see both being done -- the collaboration and a complete song from whoever feels like recording one.

                  It would be great to get into a community that records itself a lot and experiments with new ideas.

                  Perhaps future competitions can be based around the best bluez, jazz, metal, funk, etc recordings.
                    (Turns head and starts whistling while looking at sky with sudden and deep concentration).
                      I'm quite busy, but could do the editing if necessary.
                        Ok , my track is done, where can email it too? or do you want it on a URL (myspace or sumfin)
                          Andrew, post a URL for us please ?

                          YouTube videos of yourself playing the tjoon are welcome too!

                          Alan -- hehehehe! I'm sure we can find another keen player/recording whizz -- you focus on that book! We're waiting with baited breath ;D
                            ok dudes

                            its up .... www.myspace.com/andrewjbryson

                            "Guitar Forum sampler"

                              Awesome stuff Andrew!

                              OK I had another brain-wave but I'm not sure if it will work...

                              If I register us a MySpace account and load the contributions, can I then put that player on the site somehow? Do they allow that sort of thing?

                              Would be great to have that and sort of "showcase" our best recordings, individually and as a community.

                                there should be a way to incorporate flash player 9 (the player thingy ) so that you can use it
                                through another url or home page ......

                                francis , to answer your question , i used a sldn (soldano pre amp) on my GT8 (doubled up )

                                on the fan. no 1 track...
                                  Yeah Norio, It would be usefull if we had a place on the the site to upload our stuff to does your site host offer an FTP (file upload area) facility by any chance?
                                    Hey Rene ?

                                    I'm afraid I can't offer uploads yet. Perhaps when the forum is making a little bit of money I can get an overseas hosting account for everyone to upload to but, for now, we have to stick to stuff like YouTube, etc, coz I just won't be able to pay for it otherwise.
                                      Renesongs wrote: Here's an idea what if we lay down a blues backtrack in say Am and everybody submitts their best 4 bars of solo and we edit it all together as the most awsome democratic blues composition - I'd be prepaired to help coordinate this.
                                      OK, looks like no one's going to do the initial backtrack, so let's use one of these. Pick your favourite:

                                        OK. How about this as a backing track?

                                        It's a quick thing, so please excuse the bass playing/guitar playing/mix. I can upload a wav file version too for those that want to import into their recording soft/hardware of choice.

                                        Good enough?