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  • Dec 8, 2014
  • Joined Nov 18, 2007
  • Update is, as said above, I have the guitarists I was looking for. I only need keyboards.
    • Auditions this weekend went well!

      We just need more keyboard players.
      • Just want to say thanks to those guys who responded directly to me. I had some auditions today and definitely have met great guys who are very likely to be part of this show.

        We do not have all the roles filled yet, so please contact me if you are interested. We will be able to work out something around the timing and scheduling.

        Please also let your friends know. Maybe they are interested.

        Thank to all the wonderful people for whom music is much more than an occupational hazard.
        • Hi Arno

          Not sure if you actually replied to my post, but I'll assume you are are in a good mood and are interested. Great. Email me and we can talk.
          • Anybody here who would like to join a band, have lots of fun and get famous?

            If you are interested let me know. I am looking for any musos, drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, singers, triangle players and coffee makers. If you already have a band together, even better. If you are better than Clapton. We can find a place for you. If not, you probably still a lot better than me, so we can use you too. Get your friends. Get your girl friends. Contact me.

            We are putting a show up. It's gonna be big and beautiful. See my web site for some info and demo of a few songs.

            • He was great. It is debateable if he was the best though. I'm saying "was" as he has not done anything worth while in my opinion for a long time.

              Interesting photo in that article. With a quick glance it looked like somebody is holding a pink lady's toy under his nose. ??? It required a few extra looks to realise it was a cheapo camera!
              • BMU wrote: I'm surprised no one commented. That feeling sucks so I'll at least try to say something.

                The first one is potentially interesting, but doesn't really hold the attention. As a home experiment it's fine - you created something original that no one else created and doesn't sound "bad" at all, and that's cool!

                Problem is on the 'net everyone compares you to the best. It's going to need more layers and "movement" to keep someone's attention. It's just background, even for ambient electronica.

                The second one - space rock? I dunno, sounds sort of old school vintage-ish to me... not my thing at all. Again, it certainly didn't sound "bad", just not interesting to me personally. I'd have thought there are others here who WOULD be able to comment intelligently on something in that style though...
                Thanks for commenting. For me, the idea of ambient is not to overdo it with to much. Rather minimalistic than trying to do too much.

                I don't know about old school space rock. The term was invented in the late 60's, so by definition it is old school. It is almost as old as the fender guitar, marshall amps and delay pedals itself (e.g. Jimi Hendrix and early Pink Floyd). Maybe the term might have grown a new use I'm not aware of. Anyway, one again it is supposed to be rather on the minimalistic side. E.g. Shine on crazy diamond with only a synth line and a lead guitar intro that last about 10 minutes!

                Anyway, thanks for the comments. I am under no false impression that I am a Jimi Hendrix 8)
                • Ain't it nice this time of year? Office close and I have to sit at home and make music! Here is my handy work for this break so far.

                  Small silver tank
                  Some electronic ambient. No guitars here. Inspiration came as we returned from the Ghost town and we passed a farm in the middle of the Freestate. No house, no cows, no road. Just a silver water tank in the middle of a vast grassland.

                  Only one
                  A slightly happier space rock tune with guitar and all. Inspiration came when mommy called my up and asked me to join them for lunch on Xmas. When she asked how many people will be comming along I said it would be only one - Me. Sad fook I am.
                  • Hey, to give up now after a few negative comments from others would be just wrong. That is because 1) You are good enough to be heard and 2) the more you get out there the more chance you get to improve. Sachin Tendulkar did not make his fifty centuries in his first game. He had to slog it out. No-one can become perfect at once. If you have the desire to get better, then you will only gain from exposing yourself to public critism. If people try to be negative - do not worry about it. I have heard pretty negative comments towards Lady Gaga (many from myself!!). That does not bother her and she is making millions with her total lack of talent!
                    • I think it is pretty good for the genre. Like it a lot.

                      I have heard a lot worse than this, so you do not have to feel bad about anything. Being self taught is no sin. Some of my greatest heros are self taught. Knowing nothing about music and not bothering to learn is a greater sin. I am totally self taught and from doing my own reading and studeis on the internet for totally free, I am today capable of writing a symphony (LOL).

                      PS. I expected some guitar based song (as this is a guitar players forum), but some electronic punk music is always great!
                      • PS If you can find any music by the following:

                        -Two steps from Hell
                        -Imediate music
                        -X-ray dog

                        Google it or find it on Youtube. You might like it, e.g.
                        • Also sprach Zarathustra (Richard Strauss)

                          Planets - Gustav Holst (especially Mars, the bringer of war
                          • Thanks. Glad to know you love it! It really make it a pleasure to keep on doing it. I enjoy doing the gates of death kind of stuff. Cinimatic music for me is really all about taking expression and emotion to a next level.

                            • Sunday rain

                              Recorded last weekend on a cold April rainy day.

                              Guitar: Yamaha APX5A
                              Mics: Rythm: Rode K2
                              Lead: Sure KSM109
                              DAW: Sonar 8.5
                              • Actually. It sucks. I now have a whole long weekend to sulk. Maybe I should use it to do some recording. But what am I gonna do with all that booze and grass I stowed away for the weekend?
                                • I saw the show about 2 years back.


                                  Do not miss if you are a PF fan.
                                  • Very appropriate response ? It crossed my mind yeah.