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Thanks to @Meticus & @RCVN for our next challenge topic. This month we're going to do A "tribute" Challenge.

Inspired by EVH's passing, but not limited to only EVH tunes - if your hero passed away in recent memory, and you feel inspired to do something inspired by that person - now's the time!

📅 Entries Close: Sunday, 29nd November 2020, 23:59PM

📜Rules: Entries to be up to three (3) minutes in length. No genre restrictions or recording equipment restrictions. Use the interface, use the cellphone - it's all good.

P.s. Collaborations are encouraged!

⁉How To Enter: Record your entry, sign up or log in to SoundCloud, post it there. Then grab the SoundCloud link and reply here with the link pasted in your reply. **If possible, make your track public - that way I can make a playlist up.

**If you are doing a cover (yes, allowed!) and are concerned with copyright issues Or if you just prefer not to use soundcloud, @Norio has setup mp3 uploads, read more here

🏅Prizes: No prizes this month...but there is the fame and glory of winning a GuitarTalk Challenge. And the ever increasingly dubious distinction of selecting the next challenge topic. Not sure how one could ask for more!!!

Anyone can enter this competition. You just need a guitar and a phone. But any other recording equipment is fine too. Collaborations with fellow members or anyone you can recruit is encouraged!

V8 This month we're going to do A "tribute" Challenge.

I think this is gonna be a good one.

The range in styles and genre's is going to make it hard to judge though.

  • V8 likes this.
  • V8 replied to this.

    RCVN The range in styles and genre's is going to make it hard to judge though.

    For sure, it's kinda like a 'in the style of' with a twist. Hoping that there's lots of passion in the tributes (of whomever). 4 weeks to nail EVH leads...ermmm, not gonna happen for me. Aside from no floyd, no flanger and no humbuckers this side... 😁

    guidothepimmp Doh...a Phase 90, not a flanger! 🤦‍♂️ And also a talent booster pedal and some fresh strings - I reckon the fossils on the strat are for viewing purposes only at this stage

    6 days later

    Quick check-in - I'm somewhere, but nowhere close.

    Did learn the synth rhythm for jump - it's big fun - but can't really play fluently yet. The synth solo is do-able, but I'm not really feeling it.

    Also started some finger strength training with the digiflex - it's a great thing to use regularly. While no massive improvement in a week, I do notice the ring & little fingers are beginning to move a little more independently of each other. So EVH solo's are highly unlikely from me 😸

    6 days later

    V8 me too. I am struggling with an idea.

    Then I remembered all the other artists who passed. Malcolm, Chester, Chris... loads of great music to choose from i guess. Wasnt feeling it today, so will see how it goes tomorrow

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      guidothepimmp ... loads of great music to choose from i guess.

      So true, I find myself meandering into a "let's link this riff to this one" for a super tribute but it generally falls into some kinda thing that aint quite a 12 bar and not quite 80's shred.

      I've been able to find an 80's shred tone. That's going to be the tribute part. 🙂

      • V8 likes this.
      • V8 replied to this.

        studmissile I've been able to find an 80's shred tone.

        Waaaaaaiiiiittt a second....Stud shred-age??? I'm all ears for this one, 🙆

          5 days later


          The 22nd is going to be a close one for me.

          I had to send in my electric for a electronics service and may only get it back this Friday.

          I do have my track figured out at least.

          • V8 replied to this.

            RCVN The 22nd is going to be a close one for me.

            For everyone I reckon! I'm happy to push the date backa week or two if anyone else thinks it'll help them as well?

            Allll righty have updated the entry data, we've got another week (and happy to add another week onto that if neccesary).

            so new deadline is Sundy, 29th November 2020 23:59PM

            V8 Allll righty have updated the entry data, we've got another week (and happy to add another week onto that if neccesary).

            More time is good 😃
            But I don't know if I can contribute something this time. My guitar skills are far away from playing EVH and bagpipe does not really fit this kind of music. I also was a litte bit buisy the last time, I'll see if I get something going yet 😃

              9 days later

              It's the Pimpocaster, single tracked, recorded w/cell phone. Zoom B2 & Roland GR-S for effects. Three riffs stuck together and played not-so-well 😁 If using headphones, you might notice some muffled thumps during the first one - that's over zealous righthand finger damping - those graphtech saddle piezos are sensitive 🤯

              Last couple of months have been hectic and I haven't had time to put together anything new. Instead I decided to stretch the theme slightly and enter the first guitar song I recorded back in 2017.