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studmissile You don't still have this?

Sadly, nothing that was uploaded to guitarforum servers survived - relying on peeps memories and whatever is gathering dust on the hdd's. My first ever entry is lost to the place wandering electron's go 😁

However, my sleuthiness even impresses me sometimes... #SheerLuckHolmes.

Dunno what happened to him, he was really, really talented - the acoustic version of Callisto is fantastic.

Of course Barry Pieterse. Thank You. Yes he had some great entries.

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7 days later

The Guitar Talk SUPER Challenge! 2019
@Yeti Show must go on.

Imagine taking on Brain May and Freddy Mercury? Great track.

  • V8 likes this.

TV Theme Song: Vote! 2018
@Jazzman105 Hill Street Blues

Loved the TV Theme Song Challenge.

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  • V8 replied to this.

    studmissile Loved the TV Theme Song Challenge.

    Link or it didn't happen 😁

    Was thinking to add 'Favourite Challenge' category - you've convinced me.

    The "Picture Challenge - Aug 2014" was my favourite - really have fun memories of that one.

    This was the image I dug

    studmissile Thought this was a great concept.

    +1, also dug the approach - throughly enjoyed this track, especially when the guitars open up - great find!

    studmissile Ahh, that was a fun challenge, totally enjoyed it - forgot I did a cheating by using a looper for ghostbusters ðŸĪĶ‍♂ïļ

    6 days later

    I'm listening back through old challenges and putting together a list.
    ... I have come to a conclusion though. I think we should abandon the GuitarTalk album and just put together an @studmissile album instead!

    Yeti . I think we should abandon the GuitarTalk album and just put together an @studmissile album instead!

    I was wanting to poke @studmissile earlier in the year to think about turning his entries into a album, so when he mentioned having a look back at challenge entries, I figured it was a gentle nudge 😉

    6 days later

    Geez there are some talented artists on this here forum. Just been going through the various 'playlists,' and – man oh man – whatever ends up on this 'album,' it's gonna be a killer.

    We really should try to us this album as a 'demo.' That could enable the peeps whose tracks get nominated to complete them, get into a studio, record them properly and get them on streaming services. Thoughts?

      So I've finally finished going through all the challenges since I joined... and my shortlist of favourites is 27 songs long. ðŸĪĶ‍♂ïļ
      Yeah... I should probably trim that a little before posting.

      • V8 likes this.
      • V8 replied to this.

        Yeti Nice one! And don't trim - mine's like two songs long a.t.m ðŸĪŠ

        • Yeti replied to this.

          Yup. This @Yeti 'Show Must Go On' entry gets my vote for inclusion. Defos.


          V8 lol
          Fine... just need to figure out how to format it... them's a lot of songs!

          • V8 likes this.

          Right, here goes. I think I'm going to split this up over a bunch of posts to preserve my sanity.

          Anything Goes Acoustic Challenge - Nov 2018

          @Jazzman105 - Convo at Cockcrow unplugged
          Lovely laid back acoustic jam

          @studmissile - Security Transit Guard
          Really moody and beautiful

          GuitarTalk 2018 Xmas Challenge - Dec 2018

          @V8 - Two5ive1on
          Cool, laid back jazzy vibe with some really cool lines and licks

          GuitarTalk 3 Chord Challenge - Feb 2019

          @studmissile - Why I failed the 12th Grade 3 times
          Really cool country/blues tune with a nice sense of humour

          @Yeti - First World Problem Blues
          Shameless self promotion, really enjoy writing humour

          The Super Challenge - July 2019

          This is my favourite challenge... there were just so many great entries

          @guidothepimmp - Gimme Cheese
          Link broken ðŸ˜Ē but I remember this being properly funny

          @RCVN - St James Infirmary
          Really cool, gritty track with an awesome vibe ( Jy's vieslik!)

          @klaasvakie - No Limits for Nothing
          Super creative and nicely put together

            Right... part 2

            The Guitar Talk Anthem Challenge - September 2019

            @RodneyVikens - Touch The Sky
            Nice driving riff with some good production

            @guidothepimmp - Anthem to Rock
            Nicely put together hard rock anthem

            @V8 - Anthem
            Upbeat, funky and fun with some cool sounds and great progressions

            The GuitarTalk Xmas Mall Music Challenge - November 2019

            @studmissile - Everyday is just like Christmas
            Nicely put together Christmas track with some awesome textures

            The GuitarTalk Contrast Challenge! - February 2020

            @Yeti - Free Now
            More shameless self promotion. This is pretty much my favourite thing I've recorded.

            @klaasvakie - Hold Back
            Cool off kilter beat and nice variations

            In the Style of Challenge - March 2020

            @daveo1977 - Enjoy (Depeche Mode)
            Just a really nice live acoustic version

            @studmissile - Smallest of Chance
            Really solid up beat country track

            @Meticus - Du Hast
            Dudelsack! This just works way better than it has any right to

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