Name: Blues Study in A
Description: It is a collaboration between Stoffeltoo and myself (Robbiez). Stoffel plays a nylon string classic and myself a Less Paul. It is a basic 12 bar blues study in the key of Amaj.
Warren Pridgeon
Opgeneem en aanmekaargesit ens. met Audacity
Laptop met ingeboude mikrofoon ('n beperking!)
Keyboard - Dromme en orrel
Bas - Twee tracks bas gedoen met jou ou Cort nylon snaar
Akoustiese kitaar - Cort L450 C
Elektriese kitaar - Fender Squier Strat met Ibanez Chorus pedal, deur Marshall G 15 R CD
Mondfluitjie - mid 1970's Hohner in "G"
Song title: Twelve pubs down
I decided to stick with the recipe from the last challenge... using Garageband (G? as my recording tool. I used Logan on drums... one of GB's "virtual session drummers" - the drums is also the only programmed instrument on the recording. I used the iRig to record the rhythm (Ibanez AF105), bass (80's Squier Bullet1 bass) and lead (90's Fender strat) directly into GB. The rhythm guitar tone is a very cool organ-sounding preset on my GT100. I recorded the vocal straight into GB using the iPad's on-board mic. Backing vocal is courtesy of the missus, my cousin and her fiancé who were in the right place at the right time.
Title: Wasn't Counting On Crying
Category: Advanced
Attachments area
Recording featuring a drum track, bass, keys, and two guitar tracks.
Not exactly 12 bar blues, but bluesy nonetheless ?
The guitar used on this track is a Godin LGX-SA Midi electric guitar , in conjunction with a Roland GR-33 Guitar synthesizer for the "organ" effect . The rythm guitar and organ track were recorded simultaneously. This guitar was also used for the lead guitar track , using Waves Plug-ins for various FX and processing . An Ibanez 5 string bass guitar was used for the bass track . Drums were done by my bud Arno West using Toontrack Superior Drummer . All other instruments were played by me.
Cubase was used for recording and Mastering was done in Wavelab , also by Arno West.
Title: Discipline Blues (Am)
BIAB used for drums, bass and slide guitar (the easy part)
Laid down a track with my recently acquired Fender Tele USA
Vocals right place and sounding really sad
(old forum) Poll Results: Two votes for two categories
- Beginner RobbieZ: 5
- Beginner Warren Pridgeon: 3
- Beginner Modulator: 3
- Advanced Studmissile: 0
- Advanced Jazzman105: 2
- Advanced Voodoo: 1
- Advanced Joe Moore: 3
- Advanced Stoffeltoo: 4