Well done on everyone getting a entry in, plenty going on in October - including prep for the JHB Garage days 👍️
Studmissile : Loved it, balanced mix, space for everything (vocals and harp were sweet) and I am a howlin' wolf fan. And somehow, your track is funkier than mine! Well done on the total revisit, way, way prefer this over the previous one.
Only crit...we're wissing the 'Little Red Rooster' hownlin'...woo-hoo! 😉
Blutone : Great quality track, everything sounding ready for broadcast - wish I had some of your ease of production - things just sound great. 1:19, the prechrous to chorus change was great and slide back into the verse was also slick, dug that along with the subtle keys.
What was the first chord of the two chord vamp, had a interesting chewy jazz-esque flavour to my ears? Not a crit, sounds like you've left space (W.I.P) for a harmony (vocal/instrument) to tie the track together?
Guidothepimmp : You get a free pass! Well done on just getting some lemonade in. I'm guessing some Joe Walsh Funk49 inspiration for the rhythm guitars, but espresso-fied?
I reckon one of the hardest things on lead/solo guitar is to stay interesting. I can't - so I went for bass where repitition isn't altogether a bad thing 😁
My track didn't quite work out as cool as I hoped. No 6 stringer's were harmed (or touched), it crossed my mind, but I wasn't in the mood to brush off the 4 months of dust of the guitar. I did manage to avoid the rhythmic wierdness I often feel obliged to do, even with breaks/fills it stays resolutely 4/4 @ 117bpm throughout - which is likely because I've been playing a bit of drums lately, with nowhere near as much skill =)