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  • Perhaps the best news I have ever read on the internet

Seems 30 people are a whole lot less excited by this than I am.

Hahaha ok, so just so you guys cant start getting amped, this is the man I am speaking of:


And he is coming to South Africa...now get excited!
    What a coincidence, I was trying to find the Passionflower clip yesterday but couldn't remember a name, title, lyric or anything. Resorted to simply searching, "awesome fingerstyle"
      Great find! Woooohooo!
        Tony Cox is bringing him out. I just hope there is a jhb leg of the tour....
          Awesome. :applause: Listened to some of his clips a while back but couldn't remember his name. Will have to check this out when he's here
            Brilliant news. If there isn't a JHB leg, I'll fly to Cape Town to watch him.
              june 20 to july 10. must be room to squeeze jhb in somewhere, surely?
                I think he is one of the best I've ever seen. Can't believe what he does all at once. I'm pretty sure he won't be coming close to p.e. we never get any big shows
                  It's worth the drive to CT. You can camp on my couch if you want.
                    So my sources tell me there will be Joburg leg of this tour. Three nights in Jozi, three nights in Cape Town, I believe. ?

                    I reckon I'd down for all three.
                      It might be an idea to let local promoters know who you would like to see in this country. Obviously it suits them to invite somebody they think will draw an audience.

                      I've already been in contract with Mr Cox re bringing out one of my favourite players (no... not that one... the other one), so he knows there is some interest in the player concerned.
                        Shibbibilybob wrote: Which player is that?
                        Martin Simpson, but he's hardly the only acoustic player left uninvited.

                        Tony Cox and the guys who brought Laura Gibson out here are run a very different operation than Big Concerts. Their whole scale is different, they're not looking for acts that can fill the Northcliff Dome. Asking Tony Cox to bring out AC/DC is a waste of time - especially since his brand is technically elite acoustic guitarists (so Simpson fits right in there). Beanstalk, who promoted Gibson and also Little Dragon, are less linked to a specific genre, but are still aiming at a smaller scale of show and a less massively commercial type of artist and, it seems to me, are prepared to take a bit more risk than Big Concerts.

                        This sort of operation is something I think should be supported and encouraged and engaged with.

                          13 days later
                          well here's some more news to make you jump up and take notice...Jon Gomm and Preston Reed are playing back to back...Jon Gomm 1/2/3 July in Jhb and 8/9/10 Cape Town...Preston reed 4/5/6 Jhb and 11/12/13 Cape Town...bookings should bve open in a few weeks...see you at the shows...t
                            tonycox wrote: Jon Gomm and Preston Reed