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Every Wednesday, the post, with the most likes, that was written in the prior 7 days, wins a R100 musicstore voucher! The first 4 vouchers up for grabs are R100 vouchers from Bothners.

  1. Stick to the community rules. (Be nice!)
  2. Stay on topic. (Guitar and music.)
  3. Only posts written and liked in the last 7 days count. Cutoff time is 12am every Wednesday morning.
  4. Topics and replies qualify. You don't need to start a new topic to qualify for this prize.
  5. No plagiarism. Original content only. Memes, jokes, etc. are all disqualified. Copy-pasting from someone else is disqualified. The post has to be at least 51% your own original content.
  6. No loopholes. We will have final say if a post qualifies. So if you're searching for loopholes, it won't work. Our decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. (Keep it fun and fair. Leave the cheating for some other place.)
  7. Staff (Norio and Myron) are automatically disqualified.
  1. Be helpful.
  2. Be interesting.
  3. Be original.
  4. Have fun with it!

Winners will be posted here weekly.

Get posting!

Another tip: This past week, the posts most likely to win were posts talking about other people's entries in the challenge or a member's own entry into the challenge.

Telling people how you got your TOANZ is super helpful and so it gets likes. And being supportive of other people's challenge entries definitely gets likes! @domhatch you'd have won this week 😉

So even without entering a challenge, you can win. You just need to support the members that do.

Cool.. nice one Modulator. Let us know how the Vox is going when you crank the old bird

Thank you!
Please allow me to donate this prize to the community, to be used in a future best post or other competition.

🥇 Congrats @Bluetone!

  1. @Bluetone in Hi from Johannesburg (Likes: 3)

Check your email for a Bothner's voucher for R100. Valid at all their stores and online 😁 Enjoy!

Runner-up posts:

  1. @Bluetone in The Guitartalk Acoustic Recording Challenge (Likes: 3)
  2. @OsTerriveis in Les Paul for sale (Likes: 1)
  3. @guidothepimmp in Cool tutorial on playing drums on a keyboard (Likes: 1)
  4. @Bluetone in Hi from Johannesburg (Likes: 1)
  5. @guidothepimmp in Hi from Johannesburg (Likes: 1)
  6. @studmissile in The Guitartalk Acoustic Recording Challenge (Likes: 1)
  • V8 likes this.
  • RCVN replied to this.

    NorioDS This is a dangerous game you guys are playing.

    Fueling people's GAS. xD

    6 days later

    By the way, ANY post made last week is still in the running. So you can all go on a liking spree if you want 😁 I'll check again for a winner tomorrow