Thanks for the great comments on my entry.
Studmissile: thought the track was excellent. For me it was the track that met the challenge description the best. I also found it to have excellent clarity and quality of sound. Your production of it was great and the drum grooves and keys were really great. Your entry got my vote.
Klaasvakie and Meticus: thought it was a really clever idea and was well planned and executed. Thought it ended quite suddenly though. The collaboration idea was also great with 2 very contrasting instruments.
V8: great use of the effects and solid playing as always. I was expecting there to be a bigger build up as the track progressed. You do some very cool things with that midi guitar and I always find your tracks to have a great groove.
Me: well.. I messed about with the Akai midi controller and found some synth tones I liked. I then also found some drum loops that were different to anything I had tried prior.. So I loaded the loops and started experimenting. I agree that the transition was probably a bit abrupt. I did have some clean guitar in the build up, although it was prob too subtle and was somewhat hidden by synth. Originally the loud raucous bit was done using a crunch tone.. But I wasnt feeling that.. So I gravitated back to my comfort zone and redone it using higher gain. Was a fun experiment though.
Thanks RCVN and Klaasvakie for the cool idea