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Anyone know some township music charities in CT? A GuitarTalk member, Chris Solomon, contacted me, saying:

I have 3 guitars, 2 acoustic and 1 electric, to donate to a good cause.

My wish is for them to go to young township kids and hopefully save, if only one underprivileged child, from drugs / gangs and give some hope / joy in life.

Chris will be leaving SA on Sunday 22 March, so this is pretty urgent. Thank you!

(Tagging some CT members. Hoping you peeps can help πŸ™‚ If you can't, feel free to tag other CT peeps or share this on social media. Thanks!)
@V8 @AlanRatcliffe @inflames @LMinnie @kayDUB @Manfred-Klose @nick @Renesongs @FenderBender @JoEllis @Cannon @DaFiz @Werner-Carstens @Lieutenat-J @FatBoy @Riaan @hcolyn

If you can help, please reply here and I'll drop you an email to connect you with Chris. Thanks!

    V8 Thanks so much! I've contacted some of the CT charities on that SAMRO list. Hoping to hear back soon. Keep me posted on what else you find, please πŸ˜ƒ

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      NorioDS Hoping to hear back soon. Keep me posted on what else you find, please πŸ˜ƒ

      Cool, will do! Right now lalela is looking like the most promising, I've asked a friend for an opinion too..

      Glad the SAMRO list helped - perhaps for there's even something in there for @guidothepimmp & @domhatch to move their charity gear onto?

        Hey yeah! I still have the Yammie nylon up for grabs. It would be ideal if we could nominate one charity (per province, let’s say), and create a central collection point for everyone to drop their donations off at. Otherwise I think this may just get a little bitty.


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