I decided to go for it and removed the bright cap from the top boost channel volume pot. I am really happy with the result. The high end fizz that bothered me when using overdrive pedals are gone and I have a lot more scope on the treble pot. I left the bright cap on the normal channel for when I want that cutting treble sound it so all in all the amp just became more versatile.
- Thanks guys. Alan, I agree with the tone cut but even with it almost fully turned up overdrive pedals still have an annoying fizz in the top-end, at least to my ears.
- Hi all. After a long search for a lower wattage valve amp I settled on the VOX AC15 hand wired combo with a celestial blues speaker. After the honeymoon phase I found the amp to be a bit bright for me on both the normal and top boost channels. After doing a lot of reading on this I realised at it seems to be a fairly common critisism on AC15's and that it can be easily remedied with a so-called bright cap modification. I determined that there are 2 bright caps in the amp, one for each channel with different pf values. I would like to know the following:
1. Has anyone ever attempted this mod?
2. If so, what pf values did you use on the new capacitors?
3. Where did you buy the caps?
Thanks - James Vincent mcmorrow. Not a lot of guitar but excellent song writing.
- Good tip thanks +1. Not a problem for me as I usually look for music per artist anyway.
- Hi BMU, valid comment about the 9c. It is classic case of "if it sounds to good to be true then it probably is". What is worrying to me though is the amount of people that use this site not aware of the fact that the artists are getting nothing. I gues a forum like this is a good way to spread the news so thanks for the info.
I read the article and the only site being mentioned is the Nokia OVI store, which I am already using. As iTunes and Amazon is not available due to geographical restrictions my question was if there are any other reputable online stores available that forum members might be using already. The reason I ask is that the OVI store does not stock all the music I want. Is ordering the physical cd from Amazon my only option then or are there other reputable digital options available? - Hi guys, which music site can one trust then. Being an artist myself I am very tense about artists getting their fare share. As Keira rightly pointed out geographical restrictions makes iTunes and amazon not an option - for the stuff I want at least. Any sites that you guys can recommend?
- Thanks Alan, was to aware of that. There goes that one then...
- Ok Theuns, I am officially jealous. Buy it and enjoy it as guitar building don't get much better than the modern eagle. I will console myself with my PRS DGT...
- I use legalsounds.com frequently as they have most of the stuff I want at 9 USA cents per song. Bargain. Downloads are either per song or per album. Can't remember when last I bought a cd at musica. DVD's are a different matter.
- For me a good guitar player is someone who can play in any situation something that makes the song or composition better than it was without it. This can be 1 note or 3000 at the speed of lightning. Although this is also highly subjective I believe that you don't need to be the best technically to do this, but you need to be a good alround musician that understands the intracies of arrangement and composition and how to use your guitar to enhance what is already there or to create something new. Technical ability for me is only important insofar it can assist me to understand what I need to do on the fretboard to play what I hear in my head. So if you can play something really simple that moves me I will rate you as a good player just as I will rate you as good when you can play Passion and Warefare note for note.
- I for one wish that I could have my LP Deluxe chambered. I stopped using it live due to the weight (my chiropractor started earning all my gig money) which is so sad cause it sounds phenomenal. I am not sure what the impact will be on the sound though. Sadly my LP is only getting recording time now so for me chambering makes a lot of sense.
- Thanks Alan. Appreciate the info. +1
- Hi all. I stumbled across a civil war fuzz clone (Russian replica series) pedal built by Alan Day. Has anyone ever heard of him or had any experience with these pedals?
- Yes, although I read an interview with him recently in which he stated that he moved to PRS. Alex Lifeson of Rush uses Floyds on his LP's.
- Wow Vic, forgot about the local hero theme. Thanks for reminding me. It is awesome composition.
- Thanks for the pics Peachydragon. It seems as if most is in agreement that if you want a Floyd do not get it on a LP. At least I am not alone. Cheers
- In the January 2012 issue of the Guitarist magazine they review the new Epiphone Les Paul PlusTop Pro/FX that comes standard with a Floyd Rose. It resembles the Les Paul axcess fairly closely. Usually I am very open to new ideas and believe that everything shoul be pursued to make an instrument more comfortable or closer to your dream one, but for some reason it just does not look right for me. I know that it probably makes sense to a lot of players but if I am honest with myself it does not fit the look of a Les Paul. Why I am this prejudiced in this instance I simply cannot explain. Are there any other opinions on this one? Do you love the idea of a LP with a Floyd or does it make no sense for you as well?
- Certain players can say with a few notes more than most can do with an orchestra. I have always thought that Mark Knopfler could do this. The solo that Hiram Bullock plays on Stings cover of Little Wing is IMHO also saying more than just the notes.
- Hi Dingwall. Thanks for the reply. His album is really something fresh in the folk genre. Not bad for a debut album.