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  • Aug 18, 2017
  • Joined May 30, 2008
  • No tuner? Even if you tune by ear I find them useful to mute the entire setup
    • I bought this interface a couple of years ago at a Bothners sale, but it was completly overkill for my purposes at the time. I ended up using Guitar Rig Session I/O most of the time. I sold it to my boss after a few months, who then replaced it with something completely overkill for his purposes. :D It has been lying in my cupboard for a couple of years gathering dust (only on the box) now, so I thought I might as well try to sell it. I don't have a machine with Firewire at the moment so I can't test it, but I believe it is still in very good condition. It's seen very little use and has been stored inside the protective packaging, in the original box, with the CD, User Manual, cables etc. Because I can't verify whether it works as it should, I would prefer selling it to someone in Cape Town. I will give the seller 48 hours to set up and test it, and decide whether he/she wants to keep it or not. If not I will transfer the money back immediately. After the 48 hours have passed the deal is done, it is sold as is. The only local listing I could get for it new is R5990 here http://www.24audio.co.za/my-account/edirol/sound-cards/edirol-fa-66 [b]Asking price: R3000[/b] [b]Specs from the Roland website:[/b] [list] [li]6-in/6-out 24-bit/96kHz simultaneous performance[/li] [li]4-in/4-out 24-bit/192kHz simultaneous performance[/li] [li]2 XLR/TRS combo jacks w/premium phantom-powered mic preamps[/li] [li]+4 dB balanced input and output[/li] [li]S/PDIF optical input & output ports with Sync LED indicator[/li] [li]MIDI in/out ports[/li] [li]Built-in analog limiter and indicator[/li] [li]FireWire bus powered[/li] [li]AC adaptor included[/li] [li]Mac OS X CoreAudio and Windows XP WDM and ASIO 2.0 support[/li] [li]Zero-latency Direct Monitoring[/li] [li]6-pin and 4-pin IEEE1394 ports[/li] [li]Compact, solid-metal construction[/li] [/list] More specs and pics http://www.roland.com/products/fa-66/
      • Norio wrote:
        Fritz Brand wrote: I think it's just a political stunt to improve the ANC's image with their voter base. Let's see how it goes, but I smell something fishy here...
        Reminder: No politics.
        Sorry about that sire, have been away from this forum so long I forgot the rules. *slaps self on wrists*
        • I think it's just a political stunt to improve the ANC's image with their voter base. Let's see how it goes, but I smell something fishy here...
          • Thanks dude

            See the thing is I recently acquired a soldering iron, and have just finished fixing one of my old cables. Now I'm kinda enjoying learning to solder, and I thought why not make some cables in the process.

            It doesn't have to be Mogami, I just want decent cable.
            • So I started playing guitar again and thus I have returned, after many years of absence. I look forward to learning and talking crap with you guys again.

              Anybody know who sells Mogami cables in CPT?

              • Woah awesome bassline on that! Sounds like the guys are having a whole lot of fun. Nice find ?
                • I'm no pro, and I haven't heard the KRK's, but I am very happy with my HS50M's and my boss loves his HS80M's. I seem to recall reading something about the KRK's having a bit too much bottom end, but don't quote me on that
                  • What a legend, I grew up with his songs. Rus sag ou grote!
                    • I'd very seriously consider getting a second-hand ipod touch for this
                      Let me know if you want one, I have one lying around.
                      • @rikus, we will do our best to have the fancy beer people there again. They did let me know that they had a good time too and would like to be back. Next time we can tackle all the variants as a team effort!
                        • Bloukie, thanks for the kind words sir, but more importantly thank you for giving us the idea and inspiration to run with!

                          It was such a jol! That stage and venue just oozes mojo! The crowd was just great too ?
                          • Riaan C wrote:
                            peters wrote: Great guitar playing guys, well done, what an excellent vocalist Fritz has become !!!
                            And built for comfort ... not for speed 8) That song was so cool. Seriously, great vox Fritz.
                            Thanks so much guys, much appreciated!
                            • Hahaha

                              Give it horns guys!
                              • This is looking so hot dude, if it sounds anything as good as it looks you are going to have a real gem there!
                                • Dude I don't know, I haven't played one of those. I'd suggest you steer clear of it for now though, all the videos and instructions and stuff you'll get on blues harp will be written for the 10 hole diatonic. Also, I don't think you'd be able to do all the techniques on that double sided job. It would be like trying to learn flamenco guitar on a 12 string steel string guitar :/

                                  So in answer to your question, yes you may be able to learn the basics, but I'd advise against it.