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  • Gear
  • Something to keep me busy for awhile....


Having Reversed Engineered enough springs it shouldn't be too difficult get right, important factors would be wire gauge, number of turns , diameter overall length and the end hooks,,

personally would have it made out by one of our spring suppliers, but would need to have about 100 made up to make it their worth while, for when I need 5 springs.. doesn't seem worth my while,

    or maybe.. I don't know.. exploring still

    • V8 likes this.

    Tuckstir I really don't want to do a run of the mill x-men/ batman style.. so Witchblade for now

    I hear ya, a while ago (it didn't seem that long ago), I did a batman inspired build with the Gear Junkies : https://community.guitartalk.co.za/d/24083-project-bat-strat

    Was a helluva lot of fun, actually came out quite sweetly and played/sounded better than we had hoped. Was gonna follow it up with a Star Wars one, but we never did get around to it ☹

    V8 Was gonna follow it up with a Star Wars one, but we never did get around to it

    You should do one.. a light and the dark guitar would be cool, Jedi on the front, Sith on the Back

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    • V8 replied to this.

      Tuckstir I could make allllll sorts of excuses, I suspect my time of modding for the sake of modding are largely over. I'd need some motivation - a guit/bass that screams for some love. I've always got time for a beat-up MIJ noname brand 70's junker... ?

        10 days later

        so still experimenting and going through ideas....

        for a scratch plate.. what do you think?

        Tuckstir Checkered plate? I've seen a few that have used the vinyl stuff to cover a old scratchplate - though that never really looked great to me.

        What happened to the comic idea?


        its still going, but I'm Also still throwing around Ideas, might use it, might not ,might use it later on kinda thoughts going on..
        my other 2 builds I kinda Knew what i wanted to do from the word go, this builds time i'm still throwing Ideas around.

        and the Checkered plates is not Vinyl but 3mm aluminium, which i could do a back yard colour anodizing.. maybe go red.. maybe go blue.. or black... choices choices choices..

        • V8 likes this.
        • V8 replied to this.

          ok, i'm biting. loving the distressed sg and the 'unfinished/finished' finish on the bass is just too much, which is just enough for me.

          great work

          Tuckstir The ally plate could give the Jem a shot of the 80's...dayglo lime (or yellow?) on the body , black anodized plate with a blackout on the parts too...cheesy, but I did lust after a Jem back in the day - it's that monkey grip handle thingy I think :sleuth_or_spy:

          For the strat? I.ve not much in they way of original ideas, I'd probaby go for another trans plexi pickguard with comic-y stuff stuck on underneath of the pickguard - not very original though.

          The missus is planning on a purple base coat with a hand drawn lace effect over. also going to copper leaf the scratch plate and back plate.

          the Strat is going to be Torquois glitter painted with silver leaf accents.. would like to do something with the scratch plate.. but for now nothing..

          I also have 2 more on order just waiting for them to be delivered so we can start,
          for my son, he has the Explorer and I have taken the Jazz Bass

          the Jazz bass is getting the comic book treatment and ditching the scratch Plate.

          and the explorer is still been umhed and ahhed about

            Finally got all of the Guitars

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            and so we start,
            colour Gets applied

              My Head Stock For the Strat Shaped And Finished