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  • Gear
  • Something to keep me busy for awhile....

The missus is planning on a purple base coat with a hand drawn lace effect over. also going to copper leaf the scratch plate and back plate.

the Strat is going to be Torquois glitter painted with silver leaf accents.. would like to do something with the scratch plate.. but for now nothing..

I also have 2 more on order just waiting for them to be delivered so we can start,
for my son, he has the Explorer and I have taken the Jazz Bass

the Jazz bass is getting the comic book treatment and ditching the scratch Plate.

and the explorer is still been umhed and ahhed about

    Finally got all of the Guitars

    • V8 likes this.

    and so we start,
    colour Gets applied

      My Head Stock For the Strat Shaped And Finished

      NorioDS I repeat! Oooh purdy! ?

      been itching to work on it today.... but our weather here is well not conducive to spray painting out doors..

      I'm Proud of My Sons Effort.. this is all his hard work.. Not Bad At All

      Tuckstir I approve! Beeg fan of a flake style paint job and the turquoise works for me ?

      Nice job by your son on the explorer - that green works well with the gold, think you've both nailed it there with the grain showing through - classy!

        Thanks V8.
        My Sons Is the First to finish

          my Strat had a slight mishap... and well to fix it I've had to put it on hold as where I am , I cannot Find the same paint I need, will have to wait till I'm Back In Jozi.
          I've also replaced the bridge Pickup with a Seymour Ducan Cool Rail

          My Bass got a layer of paint

          7 days later

          little update.. not what I was going for but things changed...

          now what the hell do I do with the rest of the Bass......

          • V8 likes this.
          5 days later

          Hey @Tuckstir , some interesting projects indeed, nice to see the whole family involved!

          That's an interesting finish on the Bass pickguard, what is it?

          Also curious about the headstock decals, did you make them up yourself?

          Happy building!

          Four4 That's an interesting finish on the Bass pickguard, what is it?

          Thanks Four4
          the Pick-guard was sprayed Matt Black, then dusted with copper and Silver Imbali Metallic powder. and sealed in with a clear coat

          Four4 Also curious about the headstock decals, did you make them up yourself?.

          yes made them myself.. simple trick really. all you need is a laser printer and some Modge Podge Or transfer Glaze, Print your design Mirrored.. apply a coat of Modge/Transfer, Put your design printed side down, and leave it overnight, use a wet rag and gently remove the paper, Careful not to go to hard or you'll remove the ink.
          seal with clear coat.

          • V8 likes this.
          10 days later

          So proud of the Missus

          its stained and sealed with copper leafed scratch plate

            5 days later
            9 days later

            so I've had a project which has interrupted my Finishing of my Guitars.
            its been a new counter top.. and new/more guitar hanging space

              4 days later

              finally some real progress.
              so my Bass i was not happy with the glow n the dark paint.. looked awesome during the night.. absolutely atrocious during the day.. sanded it down and got to stain it tonight..



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