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  • Gear
  • Something to keep me busy for awhile....

NorioDS I repeat! Oooh purdy! ?

been itching to work on it today.... but our weather here is well not conducive to spray painting out doors..

I'm Proud of My Sons Effort.. this is all his hard work.. Not Bad At All

Tuckstir I approve! Beeg fan of a flake style paint job and the turquoise works for me ?

Nice job by your son on the explorer - that green works well with the gold, think you've both nailed it there with the grain showing through - classy!

    Thanks V8.
    My Sons Is the First to finish

      my Strat had a slight mishap... and well to fix it I've had to put it on hold as where I am , I cannot Find the same paint I need, will have to wait till I'm Back In Jozi.
      I've also replaced the bridge Pickup with a Seymour Ducan Cool Rail

      My Bass got a layer of paint

      7 days later

      little update.. not what I was going for but things changed...

      now what the hell do I do with the rest of the Bass......

      • V8 likes this.
      5 days later

      Hey @Tuckstir , some interesting projects indeed, nice to see the whole family involved!

      That's an interesting finish on the Bass pickguard, what is it?

      Also curious about the headstock decals, did you make them up yourself?

      Happy building!

      Four4 That's an interesting finish on the Bass pickguard, what is it?

      Thanks Four4
      the Pick-guard was sprayed Matt Black, then dusted with copper and Silver Imbali Metallic powder. and sealed in with a clear coat

      Four4 Also curious about the headstock decals, did you make them up yourself?.

      yes made them myself.. simple trick really. all you need is a laser printer and some Modge Podge Or transfer Glaze, Print your design Mirrored.. apply a coat of Modge/Transfer, Put your design printed side down, and leave it overnight, use a wet rag and gently remove the paper, Careful not to go to hard or you'll remove the ink.
      seal with clear coat.

      • V8 likes this.
      10 days later

      So proud of the Missus

      its stained and sealed with copper leafed scratch plate

        5 days later
        9 days later

        so I've had a project which has interrupted my Finishing of my Guitars.
        its been a new counter top.. and new/more guitar hanging space

          4 days later

          finally some real progress.
          so my Bass i was not happy with the glow n the dark paint.. looked awesome during the night.. absolutely atrocious during the day.. sanded it down and got to stain it tonight..



          • V8 replied to this.

            Tuckstir The distressed black looks real good - it's a finish I'm quite fond of, my mate did a tele similar - thumbsup!

            its now really starting to take shape

            and on my wall of many

              20 days later

              My Last Guitar Done..
              only one left.. the Missus JEM that she needs to finish off..

              but here is my Strat.
              Silver leaf sides, with a glitter painted body.

                If Elton John played guitar, I feel like he'd play this one ?

                Great work bud! Would love to see all your progress pics as well

                9 days later

                so back to the start.. things are going full circle here..
                going back to the guitar that started this tread..

                when you just not happy with your work.. and have to pay school fees

                still want a union jack guitar.. but thinking of redoing it slightly differently from my first attempt..

                Tuckstir Was thinking on 2nd look that the red lines on the diagonal weren't quite sitting centered in the white - is that why you are re-doing, or was it the bleed between the colours that prompted this?

                Gonna re-do or come up with something new?

                Tuckstir I gotta say, seeing it like this... makes me wanna see it varnished and put-together exactly like this. For a sort of fake "relic" guitar look.

                Either way... great seeing your projects ? Keep 'em coming.


                V8 Was thinking on 2nd look that the red lines on the diagonal weren't quite sitting centered in the white - is that why you are re-doing, or was it the bleed between the colours that prompted this?

                The Union Jacks Diagonal Lines are Actually Not Centered in the white.. Something I learnt doing this Build Initially

                As to the reasons.. the guitar looked great from far.. but was far from great , the outer texture wasn't done that nicely.. The bleeding prompted me building up other layers too greatly, which meant the sealant was applied too thickly, to try get it smooth and glossy which in-turn stained the white way too yellow. the stain wasn't applied correctly ( something I learnt Behindhand ) so the grain didn't show to my satisfaction..

                Then I tried a different sealant on the neck.. wanted a more Lighter finish than I would of got with normal sealant.. and it still feels tackish if you try play it. it is set, and if you just feel it, its fine,, but prolonged use and it just doesn't feel right..

                NorioDS I gotta say, seeing it like this... makes me wanna see it varnished and put-together exactly like this. For a sort of fake "relic" guitar look.

                I know exactly what you mean.. I was like OK I'm done.. but I'm going to redo it from scratch.,.. and well, I kinda liked doing silver-leaf ,so um maybe go that route for the white stripes.... also I found a new product I want to try out.. if I don't Go for the stain... think I can Manage to do it correctly this time if I use the Silver-leaf to Hide all the Blaapsies ..

                Edited Grammar and spelling hopefully

                16 days later

                So after having a busy 2 weeks, where the couldnt get round to fiddling with my guitar.. finally managed to start staining..
                keeping the original design,

                Much happier with the outcome.. the stain was a little more diluted than the first attempt, and correctly applied this time and thus the grain is showing up much clearer.. I did remove the masking tap, and as expected it did bleed, however I that's not a issue as the white I was going to use white paint... or silver leaf

                the back I've changed colour.. Gone from a blue stain to a mixed stain..