So a while ago I happened across a somewhat abused Cort (what Wizard refers to as : Customize Or Replace Today ?)...the pups were ripped out and pickguard was trashed, otherwise it played quite nicely :?
I popped into the Gear Junkie with the guit, myself, Graham and Ollie brainstormed - after a coffee and some more coffee...we thought up a idea based on something Graham had done a few months before (a "porn shop" strat - a squire strat covered in a modge-podge of vintage pornography, oddly enough...quite tasteful!)
And so...the "Bat-strat" concept was hatched. Take the guitar, cover it in a modge-podge of batman/detective comics, fit some decent pups and see what happens!
I got the parts together, dug into my comics collection for some battered 80's batman/detective comics, decided on a HSS (Tonerider generator + two hot seymour duncan designed singles) instead of the G200's SSS config, had a transparent plexiglass pickguard cut and scrounged a few other bits here and there. But a last minute contract appeared in Jozi so I handed it off to Ollie, who roped in his lady and friend to arrange and design...and I'm so glad that I didn't try it meself, they did a wikked job!
Not sure when there'll be more progress to report - but I'm soooo stoked I had to share 8)