Back to springs - One could tool up and wind them for cheap-cheap, but the question becomes "is it worth my while?" With springs available, even at silly prices, no. I have had to wind springs for unuobtaniums in the past, the choice being a) Broken tool which you cannot but need/want to use, b) get someone else to tool up and make it and pay his/her time, c) hand over to the specialists who will not have the spring, will in all probability not wind the correct item, and install what is available from the scrap bin or such, which is what caused the problem originally. In such cases, well worth my time to tool up for one spring. Trem springs? Yes, well, possible, if you like to do bends by hand in music wire to form the end loop. I do not enjoy that much. And making up the winding jig for one or two items, no. Maybe later.