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Epiphone Les Paul Special II, circa 2005. Still got it and it's still awesome.
    Nylon string acoustic no name brand, then my mom bought me an entry level steel string Yamaha for my birthday for R150 back in 1977!!
    We didn't save up pocket money in those days Pete
    Sadly the nylon string was broken in half (I ran through a door with it) and the Yamaha was stolen, otherwise I would still be playing them.
      A Valencia acoustic for ten shillings bought from a girl by the name of Karen Frost. Her brother went into the army, and she wanted to buy stockings - sooo - done deal.
      First electric was a homemade bass, followed by a homemade fender shaped solid body which i still have. First electric that i bought was a Hofner with lots of dials and switches and things that looked gooooooood.
        Mine was an Aria AF-15 Acoustic, still have it. Plays beautifully, doubt I'll ever let it go.
          I learned to play on my brother's collection of no name guitars in my mid teens. My first guitar I bought was 10 years later, my Jumbo Ibanez box I still own and love
            I think it was a Hondo acoustic , or something with a similar name. Action high enough to use as a tightrope and after I sanded it down to stain it black (not refinished, just sanded down and stained... ☹ ? ) used mainly as a closet ornament until I gave it away.

            First real guitar was an Ibanez Concord model 77. I finally learned to play on it and don't think I will ever sell it.
              My dad bought me a 3/4 Bell-tone classical guitar when i was about 6 years old. I still have it. after that when i was about 14 i bought myself a stagg acoustic from music fest. my first electric was a Ibanez exr170 which i got when i was about 19. after that everything turned a bit cloudy haha. I still have the Bell -tone though..
                Technically it was a nylon acoustic lent to me by my grandmother, which my friend broke over my elbow after i attacked him duiring some roughhousing, we were 10 or something like that.

                My actual 1st guitar was a Hondo "blackie strat" type guitar with a wayward G string that I bought mice elf with what felt like a million years of pocket money. I visited the shop every week while I saved up to check it was still there.

                I liked that guitar, I got it when i was 13 i think. It made it through my 1st serious band and i lived with it in my hands.
                I sold it when i was about 24 for R100 more than i bought it for.
                  My first electric guitar was a Ryan with a single bridge bucker. it was a horrible Ibanez RG type knock off, bought it for R200.00 including a Ryan 10w amp and a Boss DS-1 about 16 years ago.......... I still have that pedal today ?
                    It was one of these:

                    Hondo SG copy with a Strat-style headstock. Only 19 frets. It had a terribly high action, was very hard to play (after my brother's classical) and I didn't know anything about how to set it up. Sold it pretty quick.
                      Started on some german nylon classic that belongs to my oldman. Then bought epihone gibson les paul clone. Paid r600 that included boss metal zone. Want to shoot myself for getting rid of that pedal. They are selling now for 1400 .( loved that pedal in the 90's as much as my mom hated it.
                      After that bought ibanez something. This was pre- gio series. Cant remember.
                      Got rx170 now after 15 year hiatus from guitar.
                        First a Bellini, made in Pinetown in 1964 cost R6.50. White with smokey rings all over.! Would have bought the Gallo but it was R7.50 and I couldn't raise that kind of tin.
                        First apprentice salary went to a Yamaha FG180 ( which I still have) for R72.00 in 1968. Bwhahaha
                          'twas a Suzuki acoustic my dad had that was lying around the house. After that, I got a "Concorde" strat copy....could 've been such a nice platform for upgrades, but alas,if only I knew what I know now...
                            Warlock that I made in High school (24 years ago) from being a massive sep fan...........still have it.
                              chris77 wrote: "I think it was a Hondo acoustic , or something with a similar name. Action high enough to use as a tightrope"
                              Haha, I started off with one of those high action acoustics too when I was about 8 years old. Man as a kid it i couldnt play the first few frets, fingers too weak hahaha. My cousing won it in a local bueaty pageant and gave it to my father since he was a musician in his young days. He ended up giving it back on her wedding day many years later.

                              But my real "first" I got about 20 years back aged 10 or 11, was a cheapo black Cort Strat with ryan amp I got after some months of nagging to my father, he lay-by'd it from cash crusaders. Still have it ?

                              I miss that acoustic though. The frustration of having to use g-clamps to press down the strings to play. Good times ?

                                Cort X-1.
                                To this day the most comfortable guitar I've played ?
                                You guys had it rough..... I got mine set up and man oh man it was like a slip n slide covered in butter.... It's so smooth! ?
                                  60's 12 string Hofner paid r400 for it.
                                  Saddle and Nut
                                    Brand New Ibanez EX series for about 6 weeks, then came across a 2nd hand Hohner Proffesional L75 (R400), and sold the ibanez.

                                    very good guitar!
                                      Wormwood wrote: Technically it was a nylon acoustic lent to me by my grandmother, which my friend broke over my elbow after i attacked him duiring some roughhousing, we were 10 or something like that.

                                      My actual 1st guitar was a Hondo "blackie strat" type guitar with a wayward G string that I bought mice elf with what felt like a million years of pocket money. I visited the shop every week while I saved up to check it was still there.

                                      I liked that guitar, I got it when i was 13 i think. It made it through my 1st serious band and i lived with it in my hands.
                                      I sold it when i was about 24 for R100 more than i bought it for.
                                      Pretty much the same story as me..

                                      Nylon string from my dad, age 12, then black Hondo electric with white scratchplate and and strings 2cm off the fretboard (second hand), took a million years to save that R600!
                                      Lent it to a friends who had it claimed by her landlord when she didn't pay the rent ?
                                        I got an acoustic made by a company called Horugel, the thing was basically a rip off of a Gibson Hummingbird, even had the kitsch flowers and hummingbird motif on the scratchplate, at some point I got the bridge replaced when I learnt a bit about how to not make a guitar sound like crap and it turned out to be not the worst guitar ever but I still ended up selling it to move onto better things.