I got 2 words for you,: EAT JELLY !! EVERY DAY . !! in two weeks your nails will be hard as . . . .
If you're scared of all the sugar, get lo-cal jelly, or make your own using gelatine and cake flavouring.
From real soft nails, I now use my index finger nail for strumming!
There must be any number of websites to show how to shape your new cast-iron! ?, nails so that thumb does not hook-up, but basically a long slope on the "inside" and normal rounded on the outside, - but I'm sure you know that after having fingerpicked before.
If you're scared of all the sugar, get lo-cal jelly, or make your own using gelatine and cake flavouring.
From real soft nails, I now use my index finger nail for strumming!
There must be any number of websites to show how to shape your new cast-iron! ?, nails so that thumb does not hook-up, but basically a long slope on the "inside" and normal rounded on the outside, - but I'm sure you know that after having fingerpicked before.