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  • Guitar
  • How has you guitar collection changed in the last year?

I know we have had this poll before but Im interested to see how things have changed. Last time I voted I had 2 guitars. I now have 7 (and an 8th coming soon! :P) :D

Id list them but its nothing exiting. Except for my 1982 Ibanez MC150 Musician ;)

Obviously this includes any bass's you own.

(old forum) Poll Results: How many guitars do you have?

  • 1: 3
  • 2: 6
  • 3: 10
  • 4: 10
  • 5: 5
  • 6: 5
  • 7: 5
  • 8: 5
  • 9: 2
  • 10: 2
  • Life is awesome! (10+): 11
    It's about a year ago now that I added the Takamine to my collection. A pretty piece that stays in a hardcase in the wardrobe, while the Ibanez Concord travels with me to braais.
    The bass guitar just aint being used at all. :'(
      I had 4 axes around Feb last year and I now have 11 ???

      Bloody gas!!!! And that's just the axes I aquired last year :-[

      3 Epi Zakk Wylde Bullseyes
      2 Ibanez RG's
      1 Epi Explorer
      1 Squire Strat
      1 Ibanez electric nylon
      1 Ibanez electric steel string
      1 Ibanez steel string
      1 Ashland J bass copy

        DaFiz wrote: It's about a year ago now that I added the Takamine to my collection. A pretty piece that stays in a hardcase in the wardrobe, while the Ibanez Concord travels with me to braais.
        The bass guitar just aint being used at all. :'(
        nice Tak - I kind of regret selling mine.

        why you not using the bass anymore?? everyone wants a bass player.
          The bass guitar just aint being used at all. Cry
          No man!!! Why's it not being used? That's a flippen kief bass man.
            I've basically sold everything, and bought the PRS, so now I'm down to 1. Got a Ukulele in the past week as well.

            Don't see any purchases soon, except a new amp or POD sometime.
              I have a friend in Australia who owns 22 Strats!!!! And 3 Teles .......... boy I only have 3 Strats and one Tele .... a long way to go to catch up .... ?

              My total now stands at 17 ........ :-\

                I have four

                Yamaha G230 Nylon (on it's last legs, want to replace with a Yamaha Silent Nylon)
                Peavey T-60 Electric (feels like a strat sounds like a Gibson)
                Takamine Acoustic
                Tanglewood Jazz Guitar

                Still need to add a Strat, Les Paul and a travel guitar (Baby Taylor) to the collection

                So I am not that hard to please
                  Oh man... probably in the last year I have gone from a miniumum of three up to about 17/18, and by the end of today, 16. Then there are the effects... from 3 stompboxes, to two multieffects, to 10 stompboxes to just one multieffects pedal through four amps, now trimmed down to just the one. It's been eventful.
                    Giggsy wrote: Oh man... probably in the last year I have gone from a miniumum of three up to about 17/18, and by the end of today, 16. Then there are the effects... from 3 stompboxes, to two multieffects, to 10 stompboxes to just one multieffects pedal through four amps, now trimmed down to just the one. It's been eventful.
                    please do a post in the "Your gear " thread............ so we can see what to hound u to put in the classifieds..

                      Sold three, bought two, which brings my total down to six. I'd be proud of the reduction, but I'm up an electronic drum kit, mixing desk, powered speakers, monitor wedge, upgraded my guitar synth and pedals on my pedalboard have been flipping around so fast that in stop motion it would resemble a one-armed-bandit's display.

                      - Ratcliffe Strat (single-coils)
                      - Sanox (humbuckers)
                      - Carvin NS-1 (nylon)
                      - Dean Sarasota (electric 12-string)
                      - Hohner Jack bass
                      - Jay Turser resonator acoustic

                      The core is the first five, the Strat, Carvin and bass see most use - particularly gigging. I'd still like to build a fretless P-J bass though...
                      The JT resonator may not stay much longer (the only reason it's still here is I'm recording someone who has been using it).

                      Almost no software upgrades this year, aside from another expansion drum kit for EZDrummer. Trying to stick with what I've got but learn how to use it more effectively.

                        for me it's been a busy year ........ since after getting rid of all my electrics a few years back when i switched to playing purely acoustic world music , and not wanting electrics cos i was bored with them , i discovered Jim Campilongo (NY tele maestro) and decided i should get electric again .......

                        so i first bought a vintage 1968 Aria Jazz box (which i needed for my jazz residency at sun city)
                        then an LTD gibson type electric followed (and sold now)
                        next was a tele partcaster which i still have and am busy mod'ing
                        then the Fender USA stratocaster which i bought when i was looking for a tele 2nd hand but couldn't find it but i found this USA strat for a bargain (sold now)
                        after months of frustration of not finding any usa tele's 2nd hand i caved in and bought my prized Fender American standard tele brand new...... and although if i waited more i woulda found it cheaper but hey i was doing lots of gigs and i wanted it so i bought it and don't regret it

                        however i thinned down my herd of classical nylon strings from 7 to 2

                        i also went tube amp shopping and wanted a princeton, but could not justify the asking price at the time ...so found a 2nd hand 10W Cub (now sold) and then found a 2nd hand vintage elk point to point tube amp 15W 12" speaker (princeton copy) which JP le roux our local amp guru gutted and rebuilt a princeton circuit into it ...... ao now it's a true frankenstein amp ..and i'm sooooo happy with it the right size weight and tone for me

                        then i bought 2x powered PA speakers and 1x powered sub (with active x over built in )

                        not to mention tons of percussion goodies .......

                        so yes an expensive year for me ,

                        so lots of changes .........

                        however i'm not a collector or gatherer so to me i like to find the guitars that do it for me and just keep them ........ i like having great gear but only what i need........ i have never yearned for a roomful of guitars but rather concetrate on buying and selling to make what i have the best for my needs
                          StephenG wrote:
                          Giggsy wrote: Oh man... probably in the last year I have gone from a miniumum of three up to about 17/18, and by the end of today, 16. Then there are the effects... from 3 stompboxes, to two multieffects, to 10 stompboxes to just one multieffects pedal through four amps, now trimmed down to just the one. It's been eventful.
                          please do a post in the "Your gear " thread............ so we can see what to hound u to put in the classifieds..

                          Well none of them are really that special, apart from being very special to me... I could probably sell them all and get a very good guitar... but I like variety
                            Martin Acoustic
                            Takamine Nylon
                            Epiphone Les Paul
                            Tanglewood Ukulele

                            Like Squonk, I'm easy to please. A simple addition of a good Strat and an ES-335 type guitar will make me happy. Oh, and if I could provide some company for the Ukulele in the form of a Banjo and a Mandolin, I think it will make for a perfect family ?
                              Seven in total - three acoustic and four electric (per my signature).

                              The Cort GVT which I bought from Alan has become my main gig guitar, due to the great versatility added by the Gost Graph piezo system he fitted for me. I had a musician come on stage during one of my breaks and asking me what setting I used on my multi-fx pedal, as my acoustic patch sounded so 'real'. Sorry, you can't simulate that on an electric with any patch, I'm afraid - and he should have noticed the second cable going into my guitar! I always set up a spare guitar at every gig in case of a string-break or other issue (in my case a MIM Strat), and its amazing how many people say 'how can you have a Strat and prefer to play the Cort?'. Well, you have to hear this guitar first! It also has Kinman Woodstock pups on the magnetic side which gives it such a nice 'dark' sound that I really love.

                              As a mainly rhythm player, I've now for the last month or so decided to finally learn some scales and get into the 'lead' thing. Sorry I didn't do it ten years ago, as its amazing what one can do with the just the major and minor pentatonics and blues scale! I'm enjoying this so much, and have found that I've rediscovered my Ibanez in this process - playing lead with that line-up of humbuckers just sounds so cool. I'm thinking of using this guitar on stage again for the more rocky things and songs with distinct solos - as I haven't used her live for more than a year.

                              So the last year has really seen me rediscover guitars I've neglected for a while, and also start moving away from the stagnation that had set in due to the schedule of playing cover gigs whilst holding down a day job too. It's been a while since I've played guitar for its own sake, for enjoyment and also to learn something new on it. So 2011's been coll that way.

                              The guitars are here:



                                Only the 2! Woohoo!

                                For now ?
                                Did get a proper amp though ?
                                  I bought two guitars and sold one...

                                  Current collection:

                                  Ovation 2778AX-5
                                  Ibanez RG321MH
                                  Ibanez RG1527
                                  Ibanez RG2228

                                  I seem to just be adding more strings as I go along :?
                                    My bilan for the last 24 months


                                    hagstrom viking 1968 (a keeper)
                                    fender coronado 1966 (a keeper)
                                    harmony H62 1954
                                    Ibanez huimmingbird 1975
                                    Gibson L 48 1956 (def a keeper)


                                    Fender USA tele AVRI 52
                                    fender USA strat
                                    Martin DM
                                    Harmony H 62 1954

                                    in process of being sold/swapped

                                    ibanez 12 string 1974
                                    Gibson ES 135 1992 (I actuualy want a ES 175/es 335)

                                    And the best thing is, my wife still loves me ?
                                      Well, I trimmed the "herd" dramatically two years ago and now I have more than I had after that exercise. ?... ☹ ☹ :-\

                                      All are in the signature, but I am reluctantly considering selling the two "Classicals" as a result of just not playing them anymore.

                                      I have the Bashkin in build process and a few more acoustics scheduled over the next 3-4 years, and an incoming special Strat in the next month or two as also under built - I still haven't learned patience though ?