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  • Jul 26, 2016
  • Joined Oct 28, 2010
  • They handed it off to Bothners? That doesn't seem right either. You had no agreement with Bothners. You entered into an agreement with Takealot. It is them who advertised a product, took your money and gave you an invoice. If they have challenges with their suppliers they should sort it out with their suppliers, not make it your problem.
    • Nitebob wrote:Told them they made a mistake advertising a R5000 product for R695, and now don't want to face the music (pardon the pun)
      I think you may have shot yourself in the foot right here. If it was a bona fide mistake and you know it (and they know that you know it), I don't think you have much legal standing to force them to give you an expensive item at a fraction of the price.

      I'm still very interested to see how this plays out but I think you may have just given away your hand.
      • Gosh, I was tempted to take this gamble as well but I can't add it to my cart as the supplier is out of stock - even though it says that they have stock in CPT.

        Oh well, keep us posted Nitebob. I hope this works out for you. Will be the bargain of the century if it does.

        I see the product description even reads very unambiguously:
        "Who says stompboxes are just for guitarists? The new, easy-to-use VE-20 has been designed from the ground up for singers, featuring some of the finest vocal-effects technology on the market.
        With the click of a footswitch, you can instantly add lush vocal layers and harmonies to your singing, add realtime pitch-correction, and you can show your creative side with special effects such as Distortion, Radio, and Strobe."

        There's no way that description fits a guitar tuner ?
        • deebee wrote: Okey dokey, the puddy tat has just entered the pigeon loft, I listened to some of your stuff, and ???? you need to listen to the Parlatones a lot more.
          :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
          • Pardon my French but... What The Foudroyer!?!?

            I got only 1/6 and I can't say that I'm confident is didn't involve a bit of lucky guess. The only one I got right was the classical piece.
            • Greetings MIKA. I have also not been active here for some time now. I still receive the e-mail newsletters though (thank goodness they no longer arrive in duplicate or triplicate). So I noticed that this post was trending as a hot topic and I thought I'd pop in to say hi. Well, hi!

              And hi to everyone else. If you don't remember me, good for you. If you do remember me, my apologies. ?
              • What ended up happening with this issue? Has it ever been resolved. I am still receiving duplicate newsletters ever since back when. I've sort of just ignored it but today I figured I'd come and have a look to see what the last talk about it was. Doesn't look like it ever came to a conclusion.
                • A



                  As regards colour, I'm not sure I'm super keen on black, white or maroon but the khaki and the dark brown in the examples are both quite nice.
                  • Oh well, the debate has raged for 23 pages, might as well fuel it a little bit more.

                    I'll come out and say it. These guys are just plain crap. No, not because I find them repulsive (which I do) but simply because, judged by common standards, they are unsuccessful. They have had four years to make a mark and they haven't. They are "popular" not because they are musicians but only because they shock and I use the word "popular" loosely as it is more like a small but vocal cult following.

                    The only award they have to show is the Myspace Best Music Video of 2010. Does Myspace still exist? Anyone? Flip, The Parlotones have been more successful than Die Antwoord. Whether you love or hate The Parlotones, at least they are measured on their music, these guys are measured on their shock value.

                    Nope, I think they're getting a disproportionate amount of press - much like Julius Malema and Steve Hofmeyr. It's not like they get publicity for the trade in which they're applying their craft. They're getting publicity for their shock antics. Sorry, I'll pass and I actually wish the rest of the world would move on as well and leave these wankers to fade into the obscurity where they belong.
                    • Cool bananas. This is going to be an awesome challenge. I can see lots of flangers, phasers, super chorus and tremolo in our immediate futures.

                      Adrian Rogowski wrote:If you are unsure as to what category you fall in, please message me or Alan and I'll help you decide.
                      Who is Alan? ?
                      • Goodness. It's hard to imagine a GFSA sans Alan. You've been a great presence in these forums. Here's wishing you great success and fulfilment in your future exploits.
                        • ez wrote:
                          singemonkey wrote:
                          lapdawg wrote: I'm definitely signing up EZ & yourself to test drive these.

                          *wells up at the thought*

                          :goodtimes: :goodtimes: :goodtimes:
                          Ahem! Can you two get on with it already? Also, us Vaalies who can't pop in to GJ for a quickie are going to have to insist on some sound clips.
                          • Shibbibilybob wrote: Yes, I think Alan is correct.
                            I have just done a bit of an image search and I am pretty certain that is no ordinary rose.
                            That is in fact the very same rose about which Bette Midler sang "the Rose"...This, ladies and gentlemen, is the rose that kissed Seal back in the 90's.
                            A bargain at 23k.
                            • But we demand a closeup picture of the bassist. ?
                              • Mayn wrote: Ya I think a strat is what I'll get. No I just gotta decide between the new American select or just go with a American standard.
                                Oh, you're far from done. You'll also have to decide between maple or rosewood fretboard, SSS or HSS pickup configuration, alder wood or ash wood body. Yes, that's about it... Ha! Of course it isn't! You can decide between large or small headstock, stamped or solid saddles, standard or noiseless pickups, standard or locking tuners, a variety of neck profiles, a variety of fretboard radii and of course, a variety of finishes - ultimately the only decision that really matters ?
                                • I remember this thread from way back but I can't seem to remember why one would not want to use velcro? Can someone just jog my memory please? What exactly is the problem with velcro?
                                  • I.C. Wiener wrote: Might be a little late, but have you tried MIDIToTab? It does exactly that.

                                    At a whopping €130?! ? How awesome must this product be to warrant such a price?
                                    • Theuns van Wyk wrote: Edit - After the results come out, I would love to know what they used for the drums - sounds legit.