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  • Feb 14, 2017
  • Joined May 22, 2008
  • epictring wrote: Mattyd, bit off-topic, but are you from Versus the Wolf?
    I am/was. Just very recently left to focus on studies. Very sad ☹
    • Thanks for the advice.
      Based on the monetary value of each amp, would you say it would be a fair trade?
      I see that Max Music is selling the Haze 40 for R4499. If this is the case then I might still ask for a pay in to make up the value of the R5000.
      With the Albion, I'm still in two minds.

      What would the value be of a good condition 2nd hand Albion TCT50C?
      • keep the classic 30
        The clean tone is fantastic for single coils but not for my Les Paul-like guitar. The drive tone is not the kind of drive I like. Far too "gritty".
        So I'm looking for a change.
        • Hi all

          I have a Peavey Classic 30 that I love but it's time for a change. Unfortunately, being a student, I can only afford to get something of equivalent value or doing a trade. I'm selling it for R5000.

          I have had 2 interested parties come to me and ask if I was willing to trade for their amps. One has a Marshall Haze 40 while the other has an Albion TCT50 2x12 combo.
          I've been listening to clips and reviews of both of them and they both seem to have their merits.
          I am just a little concerned as I've heard some bad things about both of them (e.g. that the Haze doesn't really give a great Marshall sound, and that the Albion is just a cheapie amp with no real tone).

          I do like nice warm clean tones and I love the Marshall breakup, although sometimes I will need a bit more versatility in both channels. Because of this, I am leaning towards the Albion. Obviously I will ultimately have to try both amps to really decide for myself but I just wanted to get some opinions on them and maybe even a few suggestions for something else.
          I was holding out for the Blackstar amps to come into the country but apparently there's been a big delay and no real due date.

          Thanks for any suggestions ?

          • Woah!
            My old beaut is getting air time ?

            I absolutely love her tone, I just never had a cab to go with her so I could only use her in studios where they had cabs.
            So now the Classic 30 combo serves me a great deal more.

            I'm glad she went to a good home ?

            Oh, and my bad about the year. I was sure it said '67. Guess I misread.
            • Marshall Music in town will also hire out amps.
              Speak to Graham.
              • And????
                How'd it sound? ?
                • Voodoo Labs Pedal Power ISO-5... All your power needs ?
                  • Well I just did a quick search and found that the Rocker 30 Combo was going for about $1600 on the net. They were selling it here for about R16 000, before discount.
                    The Thunderverb 50 head is going for about $2300 so I would guess that it would be about R23 000 but give them a call and ask them. I'm sure they can do a better price.
                    • They don't have it currently there. The Rocker 30 combo went pretty quickly.
                      But they will be able to order it in for you. I wouldn't mind trying one of those out ?

                      Played the Rocker 50 they had a while back and it was fantastic!
                      • A friend of mine, in Cape Town, is selling Aurora strings. He only has the blue and the gold ones left.
                        If you're interested then send me a PM and I'll give you his number.
                        • A bit unsure but I think it was about R6500 for the head. Will check again tomorrow.

                          By the way, they are the official dealers for Orange so they can actually get anything else in. Personally I'm seriously considering saving up and ordering the 2 x 12 cab... which is apparently phenomenal ?
                          Darn my funds... so many big dreams, so little cash...
                          • Just thought I'd let everyone know that Marshall Music in Cape Town have just received a shipment of proper Orange amps (Tiny Terror head, 1 x 12 cab, 4 x 12 cab, Rocker 30 Combo, AD30HTC Head) AND they really aren't bad price wise. I think the Rocker 30 Combo was R15 000. Not exactly cheap but not bad at all.

                            For all you Orange fans 8)
                            • Ya I know someone that was trying to bring the Egnater Rebel 20 into the country.
                              I'm a bit fuzzy on all the details but it seems that Egnater wanted a minimum order of R80 000... and this person would only get a 25% discount on the US price... which means it just wasn't financially viable after shipping and duties.

                              Seems they have a similar hold over the US market. Most items in the US have a retail price and then a lower street price. Egnater doesn't. It's one set price across the board, no matter who the dealer is.

                              Any idea what the weight is of the Tweaker?
                              I'm not only asking for shipping purposes but for travel purposes too. I would love to be able to take a little amp head with me when my band plays up in Durban or Joburg. Essentially taking my whole rig with me, except for the cab, which I can just borrow whichever one is on backline.

                              I was looking at that Haze as well, seems very sweet ?
                              • Ok have no clue why it doubled the video.
                                But it works so... ya ???
                                • So I've been keeping a very close eye on these amps, and I've just been praying that someone brings them into the country so that I can try one in person.

                                  And now that they've brought out the 15W Tweaker head (http://www.egnateramps.com/Products/Tweaker/TweakerHead.html), I'm seriously considering doing a bit of saving and bringing one in myself. At roughly $400, it not as much of a risk as say the $1000 65W head.
                                  Initial responses are very positive and the few tone clips sound incredible, especially at this price point.

                                  I was just wondering if anyone had successfully brought one into SA or maybe one of you have gone overseas and tried one for yourself?
                                  Your thoughts?
                                  In my mind it seems like it could be like the new Mesa Transatlantic, except half the price.

                                  • Save your money and go for the TC Electronic Nova System.
                                    It's cheaper than getting both of them together, and it probably sounds better as well.
                                    It come with an analog drive/distortion section and most of the delay options of the Nova Drive.

                                    Nova System = $499


                                    Line 6 M9 = $399
                                    Nova Delay = $249

                                    You can also save presets.
                                    Do it! Get it! And then come show me so I can confirm that I want to save up for it ?
                                    • Benefits of the X3 Live over the XT:

                                      - BALANCED OUTS!!! (SO useful - you won't need a DI box for long cable runs or to go into the mixer)
                                      - Better, more powerful processor so it handles effects slightly differently. I find the reverbs to have a definite increase in quality.
                                      - The models have been tweaked a bit, now that the processor can handle more things. I think they do have a slightly better feel to them now.

                                      I suppose the key question is: what do you want to use the unit primarily as?

                                      If the answer is only effects then you might be better off looking at the GT8 or GT10.
                                      That being said, I've always preferred the delays on Line 6 gear and, since that's pretty much the only effect I use, it was an easy decision for me to make.

                                      cortking was right though... PLEASE don't try plug it into your amp. You might get away with plugging it into the effects loop so that you are bypassing the preamp on your amp and just using the power section (and even then you have to just double check that you're not using a parallel effects loop). Also, it will obviously help if the power section is tube-based.
                                      I find the best results are in studio, when I'm going in directly. So that's what I do when I play live. I go direct into the Front of House via the balanced out, and then I use the other output (an unbalanced one) to go directly to a small powered monitor, just to hear what I'm doing on stage.
                                      • Not if it's a known issue.
                                        You will have to pay for shipping (maybe try find a friend who's travelling up to Joburg and ask them REALLY nicely to drop it off). But if it's a known issue then you won't have to pay for repair.

                                        For example - the first few batches of the X3 Live's all have dodgey switch pedals. There also wasn't enough glue/support to hold the pcb boards for very long. Line 6 looked at the situation and have agreed to fix this issue for life. All we have to do is get it to the local repair centre.

                                        My X3 had the dodgey switch issue so I sent it up to them and they replaced every switch and pedal and cleaned every contact.
                                        Give it a try.
                                        Go to the Line 6 website and search for the local Line 6 dealers. Give them a call.

                                        Good luck ?