Hi guys all the way from Dubai at the moment. Line6 seems to be the only product available here so guess if im buying pedals its line6.
I saw the dl4 delay unit today and this new m13 stompbox unit which seemed really nice. Any one rate this a good buy? to add to my analog pedalboard???? im considerig buying it or maybe just still keeping stomps but this thing seems to be exatly like stomps?
Or look into the new M9, I just installed one onto Art from Just Jingers Pedal board, much smaller/compact than the M13 and the same effects, just not as many simultaneous patches. I like it because there are NO amp sims! Just effects, far more usable than a Pod etc.
thanks matta, yeh i saw that one too. im tossing between that and i found a nova delay today. so ight just get the nova delay or the m9 or both LOL.(altho i dont think i can afford both)
Save your money and go for the TC Electronic Nova System.
It's cheaper than getting both of them together, and it probably sounds better as well.
It come with an analog drive/distortion section and most of the delay options of the Nova Drive.
Nova System = $499
Line 6 M9 = $399
Nova Delay = $249
You can also save presets.
Do it! Get it! And then come show me so I can confirm that I want to save up for it ?
Where can i check out the M9 locally, and how much? sells it for R5300??
Mattyd - played on the nova system today, DAMN NICE and really compact. has no reverse delay tho ☹ i couldnt afford it as i got a laptop aswell so i purchased the nova delay today ? paid the equivelant to about R2300 for it. Nova delay seems awsome! cant wait to hook it up to my pedal board back home, here in Dubai the guitars and amps are mostly no name brand stuff. ITs also a mission because each shop only stocks the brand that it brings in personally. so if you want to see 6 brands you must try find 6 different shops....makes you appreciate out bigger music stores in SA, altho the prices in SA are crazy markedup.
Great stuff Donovan! Will catch up once you get back to SA!