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So I've been keeping a very close eye on these amps, and I've just been praying that someone brings them into the country so that I can try one in person.

And now that they've brought out the 15W Tweaker head (http://www.egnateramps.com/Products/Tweaker/TweakerHead.html), I'm seriously considering doing a bit of saving and bringing one in myself. At roughly $400, it not as much of a risk as say the $1000 65W head.
Initial responses are very positive and the few tone clips sound incredible, especially at this price point.

I was just wondering if anyone had successfully brought one into SA or maybe one of you have gone overseas and tried one for yourself?
Your thoughts?
In my mind it seems like it could be like the new Mesa Transatlantic, except half the price.

    Ok have no clue why it doubled the video.
    But it works so... ya ???
      Fixed. Just post the URL, beginning with http, the forum software does the rest...
        Good to see someone's thinking the same as me. ?

        I'm dying to try one out.
        In fact I e mailed my buddy last week at Guitar Centre in the US and asked him how much for 10 of them hoping for a better price.
        Unfortunately he can't do a better price than the current $399 they're selling them for.

        Bring it in, at $400 you cant go wrong, shipping shouldn't be too crazy considering how small and light it is....obviously don't import the cab, that will cost you.

        Meanwhile I'm loving the Marshall Haze 15 I bought a few weeks ago...it's also a very cool amp.
          Ya I know someone that was trying to bring the Egnater Rebel 20 into the country.
          I'm a bit fuzzy on all the details but it seems that Egnater wanted a minimum order of R80 000... and this person would only get a 25% discount on the US price... which means it just wasn't financially viable after shipping and duties.

          Seems they have a similar hold over the US market. Most items in the US have a retail price and then a lower street price. Egnater doesn't. It's one set price across the board, no matter who the dealer is.

          Any idea what the weight is of the Tweaker?
          I'm not only asking for shipping purposes but for travel purposes too. I would love to be able to take a little amp head with me when my band plays up in Durban or Joburg. Essentially taking my whole rig with me, except for the cab, which I can just borrow whichever one is on backline.

          I was looking at that Haze as well, seems very sweet ?
            7 months later
            Have you found out anything more about the Tweaker? I'm really interested in comparing one to the Vox night train, was wondering whether it's worth it to import.
            mattyd wrote: Ya I know someone that was trying to bring the Egnater Rebel 20 into the country.
            I'm a bit fuzzy on all the details but it seems that Egnater wanted a minimum order of R80 000... and this person would only get a 25% discount on the US price... which means it just wasn't financially viable after shipping and duties.

            Seems they have a similar hold over the US market. Most items in the US have a retail price and then a lower street price. Egnater doesn't. It's one set price across the board, no matter who the dealer is.

            Any idea what the weight is of the Tweaker?
            I'm not only asking for shipping purposes but for travel purposes too. I would love to be able to take a little amp head with me when my band plays up in Durban or Joburg. Essentially taking my whole rig with me, except for the cab, which I can just borrow whichever one is on backline.

            I was looking at that Haze as well, seems very sweet ?
              Given that the Rebel20 is also quite little, I'm wondering about asking my parents to bring one back from the UK when they visit my brother over Xmas.

              US Price: R3768

              UK Price: R4747

              It's a bit of a hit, but not much more than shipping would be. Question is, are there duties on guitar amplifiers?

              Hmm... it does still weigh 16lbs. Quite a bit to lug about even in a carry bag.
                Hey singe,

                No customs duty on amplifiers. However, there is an excise/ad valorem applicable (schedule 1 part 2b in customs lingo)
                The calculation is as follows:

                (Foreign Currency value x ROE) + 15% adjustment factor = 'X' amount x 7.5% (this percentage varies depending on the product - For amps, its 7.5) = Ad valorem amount in ZAR
                VAT would then be: (Value in ZAR + Ad valorem amount) x 14%

                You'll end up paying:

                Price of the amp + Ad Valorem + VAT

                Hope that clears it up.
                  13 days later
                  Amazing!!! Guitar Center is now shipping to SA!!! Just happened to be on their site this morning and a pop up alerted me to the news. Unbeatable shipping rates and they take care of everything on your behalf with FedEx, shipping, duties and VAT, all payable upfront and guaranteed prices, what you see you pay.

                  Just got quoted on the Egnater Rebel 30 Combo, cost is R8626.30, shipping via FedEx is a whopping R82.20 (I kid you not!!!) and duties/VAT comes to R1079.70, so total costs, to your door is R9788.20.


                    matta wrote: Amazing!!! Guitar Center is now shipping to SA!!! Just happened to be on their site this morning and a pop up alerted me to the news. Unbeatable shipping rates and they take care of everything on your behalf with FedEx, shipping, duties and VAT, all payable upfront and guaranteed prices, what you see you pay.

                    Just got quoted on the Egnater Rebel 30 Combo, cost is R8626.30, shipping via FedEx is a whopping R82.20 (I kid you not!!!) and duties/VAT comes to R1079.70, so total costs, to your door is R9788.20.


                    Holy cr4p! That's awesome news. Going to check out the rebel20 head cost!


                    6K. Now... new PC or amplifier... new PC or amplifier... dagnabit!
                      Only issue is voltage... Wonder if the ones they list work on 230v.

                      Hope this really changes the pedal market here.
                        I know the rebel20 is switchable, and I'd assume the other Egnaters are as well. It'll be in the spec list, I'm sure. Just found out I can buy the amp used, mint, and save a grand. So freaking tempting - even though I don't really have the cash right now.

                        You still can't buy some items, predictably, like Fender Strats, or Gibsons or whatever. But it certainly opens up the options. It also looks like they're using an exchange rate of about R10:USD$1

                        So although you don't pay shipping, you're still not quite getting US prices. Still an excellent option and much cheaper than buying locally. Pedal wise, tonefactor is better if you can get what you want there - because they use the official exchange rate and only charge $15 international shipping.
                          I did a cost comparison on a Vox Night Train and matching cab, Tuerk Retail is around R9,000+, GC is R4159.80 ALL in, to your door... so there are still deals to be had... but the biggest thing is opening up to brands formally unavailable to us.
                            Thats really exciting! ? ? ? :woohoo:
                              matta wrote: I did a cost comparison on a Vox Night Train and matching cab, Tuerk Retail is around R9,000+, GC is R4159.80 ALL in, to your door... so there are still deals to be had... but the biggest thing is opening up to brands formally unavailable to us.
                              I think you checked the wrong one ?


                                MikeM wrote:
                                matta wrote: I did a cost comparison on a Vox Night Train and matching cab, Tuerk Retail is around R9,000+, GC is R4159.80 ALL in, to your door... so there are still deals to be had... but the biggest thing is opening up to brands formally unavailable to us.
                                I think you checked the wrong one ?


                                No, I checked the price on the COMBO deal of HEAD & CAB, it is odd, buying them separately is a few grand more!

                                  Please link me to this deal.

                                    The 4 grand one is the lil Night Train isn't it?
                                      Yep pretty sure. I guess Matta just didn't read my post.
                                        Sucks that we can't order gibson. What about Matchless or bogner amps? I can only check tonight. Do they stock boutique stuff?