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  • My Line6 Pod XT Live died on Sunday :-(

Hey everyone

My Pod XT Live decided to die half way through our praise and worship on Sunday. Now when I turn it on the screen's back light comes on, and the the amp, stomp, and mod light flash... I am so bummed out!

Does anybody know who I can take it to in the Durban area to get it looked at?
    Maybe get Denis Joynt's number from Glenwood Village Music or maybe find out who the agents are and send it to them
      Agents are Marshall Music, good luck with it, a friend waiting 3 months to get his repaired by them... and before anyone asks, no, I don't repair Line 6 gear.


        Ah man, sorry to hear that. I thought those things were built like tanks...? I'll cry the day my POD gives up the ghost.
          Thanks for the help Matta, i'll give them a shout. I am so disappointed! It's been an old faithful to me.
            There is a time in ones life...that u realize...u need 2 buy a Boss at-8... Just kidding ?
            Matta,why don't u work repair line 6 gear?
              Vick wrote: There is a time in ones life...that u realize...u need 2 buy a Boss at-8... Just kidding ?
              Matta,why don't u work repair line 6 gear?
              Hey Vick, generally I steer clear of DSP stuff, I like analog through hole electronics, which is what I know best, and slowly venturing more and more into tube/valve audio. With DSP 90% of the time is SMD, which I'm not kitted out for and 2ndly 90% of the time is is proprietary, so if the chip is blown there is nothing I, or anyone outside of Line 6 and their agents can do.

              I've looked at a couple modlers liek the DL4 etc, and fixed simple things liek loose jacks, broken solder traces etc, but beyond that not much one can do.


                Hi Garth

                Sorry to hear about your POD problems. I had an XT Live and upgraded to an X3 Live as soon as they came out. Never had any problems with either, apart from some initial software problems that Line 6 have since dealt with.

                Here is a thread which deals with a similar problem:


                If you still have no luck then the Line 6 repair centre is in Joburg. It is a long wait (about a month) but the guys do seem to know what they're doing (to an extent). The nice thing is that it seems that you might have SRam failure, which is covered for life (probably a possible defect that Line 6 have come across and decided to repair free of charge, for life - just like the footswitches on the X3 Live).

                Good luck and let us know how it goes ?
                  Thanks mattyd! That thread is relly helpful. I'm going to give them all a go and see what happens. The only problem is that I brought it in from the US and if i do need to send it in for repairs i'll probably have to pay :'(
                    Not if it's a known issue.
                    You will have to pay for shipping (maybe try find a friend who's travelling up to Joburg and ask them REALLY nicely to drop it off). But if it's a known issue then you won't have to pay for repair.

                    For example - the first few batches of the X3 Live's all have dodgey switch pedals. There also wasn't enough glue/support to hold the pcb boards for very long. Line 6 looked at the situation and have agreed to fix this issue for life. All we have to do is get it to the local repair centre.

                    My X3 had the dodgey switch issue so I sent it up to them and they replaced every switch and pedal and cleaned every contact.
                    Give it a try.
                    Go to the Line 6 website and search for the local Line 6 dealers. Give them a call.

                    Good luck ?
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