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  • Nov 24, 2015
  • Joined Sep 20, 2014
  • So problem fixed I take it?

    Have fun going Loopy dude!

    • Don't know FL at all, but I do know some general midi.

      Sounds to me like you have a midi sync problem. Usually you would set only one device in your midi chain to be the master midi clock, and all other devices keep time by monitoring a time pulse signal sent through the cables.

      Check your midi settings on both you PC/FL and your Keyboard (I assume). One (preferably the PC) should be master, and the other should be told to listen for this pulse.

      I may be completely wrong here, but it's the first thing I would check if I were you.


      • I was wondering, how many of you dis specify your instruments on your short term insurance. - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/general-discussion/finding-stolen-guitars/msg261057/?topicseen#msg261057
        Not to hijack this thread, but I would just like to clarify that you only need to specify items if you want them covered while they are away from your residence, as the OP's was.

        All items stolen FROM your residence should be covered under your general value.

        This includes cellphones and laptops BTW, although be prepared to fight over the cellphone especially if it was the only item stolen.

        I fly RC planes and had a long debate with my insurance as to whether they were covered whilst at home as they value some 200K and I wanted clarification as I did not want to incur the exorbitant rates attached to specified items unnecessarily.

        Eventually this was clarified by the ombudsman: unless explicitly stared in your contract, all items at home are covered without being specified. Obviously you need o ensure that you are not under insured.

        Definitely keep photos and proof of purchase though!
        • That makes a lot of sense, I will do exactly that.

          Thanks again.

          • Thank you Alan,

            Gonna mess with this some more tomorrow.

            The sheer amount of different tones that can be created with subtle tweaking is mind boggling.

            It's opening up an exciting new direction for me and I must admit it's a bit daunting to start with.

            But the opportunities for developing my playing as an art form are really exciting.
            • I'm hoping for a push in the right direction here if you would all indulge me.

              The tone on this song is amazing and I am hoping to get close.

              I completely understand that it comes mostly from the player and also unique combination of axe, strings, pedals, amps , speakers, mixing mastering etc. so I really don't have any unrealistic expectations here.

              My problem is that 99% of my guitar playing experience is on acoustic so I really don't have much exposure to what the various effects can sound like. This makes it very hard to guess what has been used. I understand the theory behind what they do, but have no practical reference to match the tones.

              I am using this as a bit of a learning experience to see how this all fits together.

              I have a RG32 HH, a Boss ME25, and the various models and effects on Logic Pro , main stage , and apps on my iPad.

              My ear tells me that he is probably using compression and maybe a bit of chorus, and then sitting at that point on the amp where it overdrives notes that are played harder.

              Am I in the right ball park here and is this a tone that I would be able to emulate with my existing kit or with inexpensive purchases?

              If I know that my setup is capable of coming close, but I still ain't nailing it, then I know that it's down to my ability and I can work on that.

              All advice and thoughts sincerely appreciated.

              • Electrocomp have launched the beta of their online store. They're apparently still adding tons of stock but there seems to be a lot up there already.

                • Yeah don't like the Z. Too pseudo cool text speak IMO.

                  I do a lot of Internet marketing and with a little bit of work you could get your band on page one of Google, your nearly there already!

                  PM me if you want some tips.
                  • Gerald Humphreys wrote: Hi Guys,
                    My budget is around 3 - 3.5k

                    I am looking for a midi keyboard preferably 61 keys or higher for that amount new or 2nd hand.

                    My question is. What make/models should i be looking at and if you purchase new, do you get a sound bank to start playing strait away? or do you have to purchase those seperatly?

                    Should i be looking at a keyboard and use those built in sounds or midi and use software sounds?
                    I think to answer your questions properly, you need to give us more info as to what you want to use the keyboard/midi controller to do. I know you play keyboards quite well, so I assume that is going to be part of your needs.

                    So apart from playing, are you wanting to have lots of knobs and sliders to assign to effects and mixers in your DAW?
                    Are you wanting to record keyboard tracks? If so as midi or as audio?
                    Does your DAW have a good range of software instruments?
                    What style of music you thinking about? I know you love metal, so it mainly for that?

                    The more info you can give the better the recommendations will be.
                    • Chocklit_Thunda wrote:

                      The only problem with this is that it drives those in the know to the second hand and copy market which also leads to an increase in these prices..... Basically you're gonna be paying 8.5K for an Epiphone LP studio in a few months time.

                      Similar to this recent vintage Japanese guitar craze..... Many of those guitars are utter shyte but have gone from R1200 last year to people wanting R3000 for one of them...
                      I believe you have spotted the same thing that I have, hence the reason for my other thread trying to garner current sentiment of those in the know.

                      If those in the know are Gibson's target market, which I think we can agree they are, then Gibson are, at first impression, making a serious mistake here. One hopes that they have a long term strategy which will be revealed in time, but nevertheless, in the short term they are going to lose potential sales.

                      It would be reasonable to expect some form of change, probably as early as 2016 in price(small drop), but more probably, an increase in quality and/or features to try to revive sales.

                      The short term effect of the current decision though is that demand for new Gibsons will fall, and the demand for second hand will therefore increase, not proportionally though, as many will turn to other brands.

                      The simple rule of supply and demand dictates that second hand prices MUST rise therefore. The perceived value of a second hand item is a percentage of the same item new, so with the demand for second hand increasing over the next few years (remember that fewer new sales also means fewer 'new' second hand guitars coming onto the market), I believe that it is not unrealistic to expect the second hand price to start climbing towards the same percentage of the new retail in a relatively short time.

                      My entrepreneurial spirit is screaming 'buy second hand Gibsons now!!'

                      **DISCLAIMER** This is my opinion don't go spend your life savings on second hand Gibsons without doing your own research. I am probably completely wrong.

                      • @ ParadoximA,

                        Thanks for the response, yeah I have thought of that and I do have all the necessary equipment to do it.
                        The Taylor actually sounds pretty incredible going through a small 12 channel mixer to my Yammie RX-A810 amp and Jamo speakers! ?

                        HOWEVER!!, that is the one room in the house that the missus puts her foot down about me leaving my 'toys' lying around in, so I would meet with a LOT of resistance. :-[

                        I have a samson XP308i portable PA system http://www.samsontech.com/samson/products/portable-pa/expedition/xp308i/ that I've been using to fill this roll, but she even gets upset when I wanna set that up 8).

                        I'm really needing something small and self contained that I can pull out, plug in, play and put away easily.

                        Actually I might be interested in swapping that samson PA ?

                        Thanks though.
                        • Alan, sage advice as always, thank you. I think you've hit on the perfect solution.

                          ArieRS265, replied to your PM, thanks m8.

                          ...Now to research acoustic amps... :-\
                          • Hey all,

                            I am looking for a small practice amp for use away from my 'studio'. i.e. in the main house.

                            It's not always convenient to go sit out there in the evenings away from the missus. She is learning to play too and would like to jam with me but we have a two year old who will be asleep in bed and we don't want to leave him alone, nor do we want to wake him up.

                            So requirements would be:-

                            10 Watt or so (more is fine as long as physical size doesn't get too large)
                            Line input for backing tracks.
                            Two guitar inputs (not essential)
                            Effects not essential, but some amp modelling would be nice.
                            Tones should still be good at lower volumes.

                            Price < R5000

                            And now the kicker, it should be useable with electric and/or acoustic guitars.
                            I have read some great things about the Roland Cube GX range, with some saying that the Taylor ES system sounds great through it, although opinions are heavily divided.

                            Does such a beast exist, or would I be better off buying two 'specialist' amps?

                            Also, would you buy second hand practice amps, or would it be better to get new with a warranty?

                            All suggestions and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
                            • As a follow up to the posts on the Gibson price increase:

                              I have always dreamed of owning a brand new Gibson, as I am sure many of you have too.

                              With the changes to the new line-up, specs and pricing, are they still considered 'worth it'?
                              This is obviously very subjective, but I would be very interested to get a feel for the overall consensus.

                              I would appreciate it if a mod could run a poll on this, as the results would be very interesting and give some idea as to the success of their marketing strategy.

                              So I think the real question is, if you could afford to buy one (any one), would you?

                              • Same experience as Alan, I find it misses a lot of chords on the fast changes.

                                I much prefer Capo 3 for chord detection. http://supermegaultragroovy.com/products/capo/
                                It's mac and iPad only unfortunately, but has a lot of advantages. You can force it to recognise a chord at any point on the track so if it's missed something just click at that place and it will pick it up.

                                Also has the ability to build tablature (not on iPad yet). it visually displays the frequencies being played at various ranges, so you can drag and drop notes onto the spectrograph and build up the tab for the riffs. You can change string and fret positions at will.

                                Not really good for play along, but powerful for working out what exactly is being played.
                                • If it was stolen, she probably thinks she can plug it into the sewing machine she 'found' last week. ?
                                  • Found this thread on Focusrite's Facebook page

                                    Thought it might interest you.
                                    Looks like it has been tested successfully with the authentic apple camera kit.

                                    I have a Steinberg UR44 with a dedicated CC mode (class complaint) for working with apple devices including iPads.
                                    Works perfectly through the camera kit both for recording and playback.

                                    Not sure if you are wanting to spend that much though.
