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Hi guys,

One of my guitars recently got stolen out of my car at a gig in Johannesburg. It isn't a very expensive guitar, but it is quite unique (it's a 7 string Ibanez, with a clear finish). Has anyone else been able to find a guitar that was stolen back again? Any ideas what someone would do with a stolen guitar - it's not really an item that can easily be sold for drug money, like a TV for example...?
    Heish, major bummer!

    Unlikely, but it has happened before. Hope you have some pics for identification? Keep an eye on gumtree/olx/junkmail, if you can create a alert for keywords (7 string, ibanez?) . Make up a "lost poster" & drop the off at pawn stores in the area. Pop a post up on South African Facebook music groups/gumtree/olx/junkmail with pics & serial.

    Think you might be surprised how many dodgy things pop up in pawn shops...

      I can recall a few occasions where pawn shops returned stolen goods back to their owners as V8 sez create an alert and distribute like mad. What area?
        I had mine stolen years ago. I put a substantial reward out and advertised it in the local newspaper. As there is no honour among thieves, one of their mates took the money. They were arrested in a local hotel where they were living of their ill gotten gains. I got them back. None of them were ever convicted as one of them died in remand and all the others tried to pin it on him.
          4 days later
          Thanks for the response guys!

          Chabenda, that's pretty cool and sounds like a good idea, I didn't even bother going to the police though.

          Atilla, we were going to play at a punk show in Soweto, about 3 weeks ago. The show was quite cool, until I realised my guitar was stolen. We ended up not playing for an entirely different reason though. It is somewhat of a dodgy area as far as I'm concerned. I would actually prefer not to go back...

          V8, I have a photo, I just need to figure out how to post it here... I'm sure it's explained somewhere, so I'll be back.

          To be honest, I'm mostly just happy they didn't take my ESP Eclipse II. It was on the same backseat.
            Hey man,

            That's sad to hear. Let us know what happens. Try also post on SA MUSIC store's facebook page and the other usual classified sections. We should all actually become more pro-active at hunting these stolen guitars.

            Sadly the guitar is probably stolen for a quick "fix". If only they could steal common stuff and not a 7 string... They don't even know what to do with the damn thing.
              Not everyone will find their guitars back, and that is a real shame. I was wondering, how many of you dis specify your instruments on your short term insurance.
              We had a break in a few weeks ago and luckily none of the instruments was stolen, but even if they were, insurance would have replaced them. Granted the new one will not be the same as the trusted axe that was stolen, but at least you can get it replaced.
                I was wondering, how many of you dis specify your instruments on your short term insurance. - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/general-discussion/finding-stolen-guitars/msg261057/?topicseen#msg261057
                Not to hijack this thread, but I would just like to clarify that you only need to specify items if you want them covered while they are away from your residence, as the OP's was.

                All items stolen FROM your residence should be covered under your general value.

                This includes cellphones and laptops BTW, although be prepared to fight over the cellphone especially if it was the only item stolen.

                I fly RC planes and had a long debate with my insurance as to whether they were covered whilst at home as they value some 200K and I wanted clarification as I did not want to incur the exorbitant rates attached to specified items unnecessarily.

                Eventually this was clarified by the ombudsman: unless explicitly stared in your contract, all items at home are covered without being specified. Obviously you need o ensure that you are not under insured.

                Definitely keep photos and proof of purchase though!
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