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  • Aug 4, 2015
  • Joined Nov 21, 2011
  • How's things going? Any more 8-string players out there?

    • How is the noise? Did get your hum sorted with the new Power Supply?
      • Hi,

        What are your aims with getting a formal education?
        • Hey man,

          That's sad to hear. Let us know what happens. Try also post on SA MUSIC store's facebook page and the other usual classified sections. We should all actually become more pro-active at hunting these stolen guitars.

          Sadly the guitar is probably stolen for a quick "fix". If only they could steal common stuff and not a 7 string... They don't even know what to do with the damn thing.
          • Probably too late to post bow, but I have beeb using the Midiguitar vst and its great. You can record midi into your daw and take the file/data to sibelius also or simply open the midiguitar vst standalone program and output into sibelius without a daw.

            • hallo hallo hallo!

              I'm the very lucky owner of Tosin's backup guitar (if anyone one went to the JHB clinic last year). Sad thing is, playing 8 string is scary as hell, but I guess I gotta pull finger and practice more. However, it is really useful with my studies at the moment and playing the "piano notation type" examples that the lectures use is way more accessible with extended range string instruments. If I had the time I would study piano again, but that is simply not something I can afford (time-wise) at the moment.
              • Cool!

                Thanks for the orders. I just placed them and expect delivery in 10 working days.


                • Timay!

                  The Rat sounded great with the Bones at Ponta Malongane.

                  Did you use all of those pedals at Ponta?

                  • Damn! You are all the most sober guitar players I've read about...

                    How bout some moonshine?!

                    • EY. When you want something bad enough and can afford it, get it.

                      Anyway; go and look at your gear and calculate what your WHOLE board actually is worth; you'll be surprised. Gear is expensive; just the way it is.

                      I bought an El Capistan for just under 4K. The rest of the costs are landing fees, taxes and UPS. Really wanted the Timeline, but it was a bit too much and I know I would only use about 40% of it.

                      Keen on checking what the launch will mean for us.
                      • OK.

                        1 x Red Devil medium
                        2 x PINK ? medium
                        2 x Multicolored medium

                        It is working out to R146 per set. Pretty expensive, plus you'll have to pay a courier to collect it from my place in JHB. I use normal post office for little parcels like strings.

                        Are you guys still keen?
                        • Ok, I will check what they say when their offices open a little later. I noticed they had different neon ones; are you looking for multi colored (nmce 10) or white neon (NWE10) ones?

                          • Who needs DR strings?

                            I am planning to bring in 8string sets and medium 10" sets soon.
                            • Vic wrote: Hot valve amp....?

                              OK, how long does it take (after one has switched off your amp) to finish your drink, then pack away your axe, pedals and mic,... then finish your chat with some patrons and fellow band members, then waiting to get paid.....? surely long enough for any amp (even an AC30) to cool down "enough".

                              Charles, your guitarist is somewhat over-sensitive.... ?
                              Waiting to get paid if you are playing at corner house in 4ways should give you an entire month... I guess thats enough cool down time ey.

                              • Awesome! Sadly after i bought a unit for 8k directly from them.

                                The timeline is going to be a standard delay unit within the next few years; you will see.
                                • I moved house to get away from distractions and practice guitar again. No adsl internet meant to me what tv does to most. I had no friends calling me to play games or just chat and share links (which could last 3 hrs EASILY). My only hassle now is getting into a guitar fitness regime and battling out what to practice, although I still have a normal working day, I have to get these little arms up and fretting again.

                                  I get to bed early and wake up early (without an alarm clock!) and fresh.

                                  Good luck!
                                  • Hey.

                                    Here's a guy that comes highly recommended. Worked on Monte Casino (in Fourways, not Italy), structures for government/memorial sites and buildings in Dubai.

                                    Johan van Staden or his other name Stroof for XSF design, Concreate and recently Concrete Design Decor.

                                    He works solo at the moment. Not affiliated with any corporate company.

                                    • (quite a few replies)...

                                      The axe that was given away is apparently actually a 6-string at each venue... The prestige models are his backup guitars. I was just interested in checking how much people would pay and IF I find one; how much I should set my "budget speech" for.

                                      • If you could get your hands on a Prestige model signed by Tosin; how much would you be willing to pay?