Yes, if you have the self control to limit your watching to what you regard as edifying then I suppose it's just a delivery medium for such edification. And if you are impervious to the onslaught of the subliminals that the television launches continuously, then good. I suspect that maybe you arent. But anyway, I am gatvol of watching doccies on sharks, and monkeys and lions now. I am sick and tired of going to the TV and being able to choose reruns of movies that have been shown already.
Just the other day, the news channels were reporting on a pretty big event that had just occurred. CNN, BBC Sky reported it from an angle. And then I watched a bit of Russia Today and guess what. A completely different angle but still with an American accent mind you. Now, you've got to decide who you think is giving the thing the honest complexion. And where do you get that opinion? Why, from the subliminals and what you have been conditioned to accept. So, way back when I first heard Frank Zappa's Overnite Sensation (70's sometime) I thought it was quite clever. But if you think of it, it is actually prophetic and a grave warning. And it goes unheeded.
As for the sport, I am an enthusiast. But I looked at a rugby game and a cricket match and I said to myself "what am I seeing that I havent seen before". So for the most part when I feel like watching a game, I wonder up to one of the schools on a Saturday and that is a heck of a lot of fun. I used to enjoy going to the fights but that is also just so dreary now.
But I think that everyone here who has lost their minds is worrying because they are watching rather than doing. And in many cases they are watching something that they wont care to remember. So what's the use of that? What will you remember about Saturday's rugby matches? Maybe that the Lions should really be able to nail the Kings a lot easier than they did because they squeaked it really ( I watched bits of the reruns). And that the Bulls couldnt beat a team who were so clearly oxygen depleted in the second half and still scored a try. So, what's new? What's educational?
Just the other day, the news channels were reporting on a pretty big event that had just occurred. CNN, BBC Sky reported it from an angle. And then I watched a bit of Russia Today and guess what. A completely different angle but still with an American accent mind you. Now, you've got to decide who you think is giving the thing the honest complexion. And where do you get that opinion? Why, from the subliminals and what you have been conditioned to accept. So, way back when I first heard Frank Zappa's Overnite Sensation (70's sometime) I thought it was quite clever. But if you think of it, it is actually prophetic and a grave warning. And it goes unheeded.
As for the sport, I am an enthusiast. But I looked at a rugby game and a cricket match and I said to myself "what am I seeing that I havent seen before". So for the most part when I feel like watching a game, I wonder up to one of the schools on a Saturday and that is a heck of a lot of fun. I used to enjoy going to the fights but that is also just so dreary now.
But I think that everyone here who has lost their minds is worrying because they are watching rather than doing. And in many cases they are watching something that they wont care to remember. So what's the use of that? What will you remember about Saturday's rugby matches? Maybe that the Lions should really be able to nail the Kings a lot easier than they did because they squeaked it really ( I watched bits of the reruns). And that the Bulls couldnt beat a team who were so clearly oxygen depleted in the second half and still scored a try. So, what's new? What's educational?