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I'm hoping for a push in the right direction here if you would all indulge me.

The tone on this song is amazing and I am hoping to get close.

I completely understand that it comes mostly from the player and also unique combination of axe, strings, pedals, amps , speakers, mixing mastering etc. so I really don't have any unrealistic expectations here.

My problem is that 99% of my guitar playing experience is on acoustic so I really don't have much exposure to what the various effects can sound like. This makes it very hard to guess what has been used. I understand the theory behind what they do, but have no practical reference to match the tones.

I am using this as a bit of a learning experience to see how this all fits together.

I have a RG32 HH, a Boss ME25, and the various models and effects on Logic Pro , main stage , and apps on my iPad.

My ear tells me that he is probably using compression and maybe a bit of chorus, and then sitting at that point on the amp where it overdrives notes that are played harder.

Am I in the right ball park here and is this a tone that I would be able to emulate with my existing kit or with inexpensive purchases?

If I know that my setup is capable of coming close, but I still ain't nailing it, then I know that it's down to my ability and I can work on that.

All advice and thoughts sincerely appreciated.

    Neck pickup single-coil and amp on the edge and you're most of the way there. I'm not sure of the amp - sounds almost like a Fender but into a closed back cabinet.
      Thank you Alan,

      Gonna mess with this some more tomorrow.

      The sheer amount of different tones that can be created with subtle tweaking is mind boggling.

      It's opening up an exciting new direction for me and I must admit it's a bit daunting to start with.

      But the opportunities for developing my playing as an art form are really exciting.
        Spend lots of time with your guitar and basic amp/speaker sims - that's where the majority of the tonez live. Yeah, you can do a lot with FX, but that's best done on top of a good amp and guitar tone.

        The variety and complexity that come from a modern rig are exactly the reason it pays to strip back and give yourself a thorough grounding in the basics.
          That makes a lot of sense, I will do exactly that.

          Thanks again.

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