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  • Guitar
  • Gibson Announce 29% Price Rise for 2015

Those saying you'll never be able to own one, just remember that the 2nd hand prices are not nearly that crazy. And in many repects the older product is better. I've said it before: guitars are not cars. Among musicians there's no cachet in buying new. Nor does it make the instrument more 'yours' that one than you bought 2nd hand but you've played and loved for years.

Saying that, 2nd hand prices will increase.

I can acknowledge that the guitar companies are in a bit of a fix - especially in the recession. They make a product that practically never wears out, and keeps its value over time. By now, there are so many damn Stratocasters in the world, that if every guitar player had to buy one, no one would technically need to go into a shop for it (that said, a lot are in the hands of hoarders with 40 Strats or whatnot). The longevity of their product means that the market is flooded.

I think maybe, with Fenders being more affordable it's easier to say, "Buy another one. We've put bells on this one!" Whereas probably most Gibson owners have that one Les Paul Standard/Classic/Traditional/Historic that satisfies their yen and can't really justify another at the price.

But Gibson does risk their brand collapsing like this. They risk, as Alan says, being seen as a 'poser' brand (and that's already started to happen - working musos telling me they can't 'risk' their Gibsons for actual work is a problem).

The weird thing was that this director had Gibson riding high in the nineties with the idea that they were the best they'd been since the '60s, desirably expensive, but attainable to an American kid who saved for six months on their first job.

The price of a Les Paul Standard in SA is going to be hilarious. I've heard talk of the price after discount topping R50k.

    A friend and I often share links to nice looking les pauls and the joke is how high the ridiculous the prices are.
    The higher the price, the funnier the guitar is.
    My fave so far is the paul kossof collectors edition which looks like a monkey and an eagle had sex on it, which makes it worth a kings ransom apparently.

    That said I do own a studio, which was affordable second hand, but only because I was living in a different country.
    I try to love it a lot but i think the nut is not cut properly

      Wormwood wrote: I try to love it a lot but i think the nut is not cut properly
      The nut on my Angus Young SG is a disaster - particularly because the guitar has a vibrato tailpiece. I can't use that at all. It also looks super-cheap (even if it isn't) this synthetic "corian" or whatever they call it. I'm sorry, it looks like cheap plastic. Looking forward to getting it replaced with well cut bone (like my Tokai came with ? ).
        singemonkey wrote:
        The price of a Les Paul Standard in SA is going to be hilarious. I've heard talk of the price after discount topping R50k.
        I'm not too sure how much longer we will have a local distributor then. Marshall will need to pony up some serious cash to meet Gibson's minimum order qty requirements and won't be able to bring in a proper variety of guitars for potential buyers to choose from. Sales will then drop even further because the already greatly reduced number of players who are willing to splash the cash for a Gibbo won't necessarily find what they are looking for available locally and import a guitar unseen privately at a lesser cost than ordering one unseen at an inflated price through Marshall. It depends on their business model and how much capital they can afford to tie down in high risk stock, but I don't see to many possible scenarios where it is worth Marshall's while to keep stocking them.

        But aaagh what the hell, if Gibson wants to become a luxury goods merchant instead of an instrument manufacturer then so be it. If they succeed they won't be a brand I am willing to endorse and if the fail they will hopefully go back to their roots and produce proper guitars at fair prices again.
          Who are you getting this done by and what s the damage, if you dont mind me asking
            Wormwood wrote: Who are you getting this done by and what s the damage, if you dont mind me asking
            I'm not at the moment - other priorities. But I'll probably ask if lapdawg can do it. He seems to have become a bit of an expert on this style of guitar recently ?
              Banditman wrote:
              For me the writing was on the wall with the Kieffer Sutherland tribute ES335 and the "we swear it's not a Strat" (but we're suing PRS for making singlecuts) Jimi Hendrix guitar. You remember? The blatant Strat clone that never saw the light of sales after Gibson's own fans along with others poured out derision on social media.
              +1. That whole Hendrix Not-a-Strat episode convinced me back then to skip any new Gibbo's as long as their current management is in place and to not buy another Hendrix product as long as Janie Hendrix is in charge of whoring out Jimi's legacy to the highest bidder.
              I would still love to own an older Gibbo one day (as well as a Martin, Fender, Ricky etc) and I just love the heritage that comes with those old school brands, but Henry's Gibson will never see a sent of mine.
              Same with Hendrix. It's a bit more tricky here because there have been so many sheisters making money of him in the past that it becomes nearly impossible to not support them somehow if you want to buy something Hendrix related. Nowadays I think most rights to his estate is managed by Janie Hendrix however, and after that whole Not-a-Strat episode I made up my mind to not support her either. I would have loved to buy Angels and Airwaves, but nope.
                Wormwood wrote:
                That said I do own a studio, which was affordable second hand, but only because I was living in a different country.
                I try to love it a lot but i think the nut is not cut properly

                Take it to Grant Fouche. My Les Paul Classic and Epiphone Sheraton have never sounded or played as good as they do now.
                  Perhaps what they're doing with this price hike is scaring the sheeple into snatching up what remains of the 2014 and 2013 stock for fear that Gibsons prices are only going to increase from here on out... They then drop the prices (ever so slightly) a little way down the line and everything is "right" again....
                  They sell all their old stock to after work bedroom rockstars and this also leaves the 2015 lineup the only ones available....

                  The only problem with this is that it drives those in the know to the second hand and copy market which also leads to an increase in these prices..... Basically you're gonna be paying 8.5K for an Epiphone LP studio in a few months time.

                  Similar to this recent vintage Japanese guitar craze..... Many of those guitars are utter shyte but have gone from R1200 last year to people wanting R3000 for one of them...

                  Luckily, I have a workshop of my own 8) Gibson will probably never see a cent from me
                    Wormwood wrote:
                    Banditman wrote: the Kieffer Sutherland tribute ES335
                    The what now?
                    Yep. That was my reaction. He's a big fan, owns a studio, collects guitars (including a ton of Gibsons) which is all fine, but I thought that signature or "inspired by" guitars should be for well-known performing artists. Not A-list name collectors however well they might play. I get the Trini Lopez, BB King, Alvin Lee, Alex Lifeson, Chris Cornell, Dave Grohl, Johnny A etc. models. I definitely get the Jimmy Page, Billy Gibbons, Pete Townsend, Peter Frampton etc. Les Pauls. I fail to see why Kiefer rates two signatures (I see they now do a KS-336). Honest fair play to Kiefer for getting a guitar, but I can't say I've ever been inspired by an album he did.

                    Like Alan said - corporate greed and catering to the well off.

                    Mind you, I've just heard two other theories on the story. (I'm rough quoting here). One is that it originates with a blog post on Reverb.com quoting a page on Amazon that's no longer up and won't name the source. Turns out that Reverb.com is owned by a large shop that sells used and vintage instruments including Gibsons. The other is that Gibson execs may be setting it up for a sale as happened with Norlin in the '70s. They made non-sellers like the RD, Victory, Marauder etc. Company went down and was sold. History repeated with guitars like the Zoot Suits, Robots etc that also haven't sold. By cutting the cheaper lines etc out they can show they're a company making premium products and worth lots of money to a buyer.

                    Time will tell.

                    I know I keep drawing comparisons with Gibson and Harley-Davidson but hopefully there'll be a parallel. Harley was bought out by AMF back in the '60s/'70s who then proceeded to drop QC and make rubbish bikes that were way behind the times. Willie G. Davidson and other original family members bought the company back in the early '90s if I recall, and turned the fortunes around by doing things properly like listening to the long-term fans while introducing smart choice new bikes. The same thing could happen with Gibson.
                      Chocklit_Thunda wrote:

                      The only problem with this is that it drives those in the know to the second hand and copy market which also leads to an increase in these prices..... Basically you're gonna be paying 8.5K for an Epiphone LP studio in a few months time.

                      Similar to this recent vintage Japanese guitar craze..... Many of those guitars are utter shyte but have gone from R1200 last year to people wanting R3000 for one of them...
                      I believe you have spotted the same thing that I have, hence the reason for my other thread trying to garner current sentiment of those in the know.

                      If those in the know are Gibson's target market, which I think we can agree they are, then Gibson are, at first impression, making a serious mistake here. One hopes that they have a long term strategy which will be revealed in time, but nevertheless, in the short term they are going to lose potential sales.

                      It would be reasonable to expect some form of change, probably as early as 2016 in price(small drop), but more probably, an increase in quality and/or features to try to revive sales.

                      The short term effect of the current decision though is that demand for new Gibsons will fall, and the demand for second hand will therefore increase, not proportionally though, as many will turn to other brands.

                      The simple rule of supply and demand dictates that second hand prices MUST rise therefore. The perceived value of a second hand item is a percentage of the same item new, so with the demand for second hand increasing over the next few years (remember that fewer new sales also means fewer 'new' second hand guitars coming onto the market), I believe that it is not unrealistic to expect the second hand price to start climbing towards the same percentage of the new retail in a relatively short time.

                      My entrepreneurial spirit is screaming 'buy second hand Gibsons now!!'

                      **DISCLAIMER** This is my opinion don't go spend your life savings on second hand Gibsons without doing your own research. I am probably completely wrong.

                        "2014 Les Paul Standard with a normal flame top comes in at $2999, the 2015 equivalent will start at $3879"

                        $3879 at the current exchange rate = R 43 524.90! ??? There is a second had R6 currently available for R 17k less! Second hand is still the way to go!

                        I love my Gibbo's but i haven't bought any of them new and at the going rate it seems like i never will!

                          StefStoep wrote: "2014 Les Paul Standard with a normal flame top comes in at $2999, the 2015 equivalent will start at $3879"

                          $3879 at the current exchange rate = R 43 524.90! ??? There is a second had R6 currently available for R 17k less! Second hand is still the way to go!

                          I love my Gibbo's but i haven't bought any of them new and at the going rate it seems like i never will!

                          I'm guessing that's before shipping and import costs to get such a guitar here?
                            darnoldi wrote: If those in the know are Gibson's target market...
                            By those in the know, I meant the people who know about buying second hand. While it may seem normal to us, there are a lot of guys out there who still only buy new instruments or are too scared to look second hand ☹ These are the guys who will go buy a brand new 2014 model straight from the distributor or store.
                              Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
                              darnoldi wrote: If those in the know are Gibson's target market...
                              By those in the know, I meant the people who know about buying second hand. While it may seem normal to us, there are a lot of guys out there who still only buy new instruments or are too scared to look second hand ☹ These are the guys who will go buy a brand new 2014 model straight from the distributor or store.
                              Well there must be, cos otherwise from whom are we buying the secondhand axes?
                                Let's put some humour into this situation. ?
                                Btw,the movie is called Der Untergang. It's great if you're into WWII war movies.

                                  6 days later
                                  We also now have Hayward guitars in the mix ...
                                    Charlie4 wrote: Let's put some humour into this situation. ?
                                    Btw,the movie is called Der Untergang. It's great if you're into WWII war movies.

                                    I consider myself an expert on WW2 ,specifically the Nazi Germany side of the war, I have always been fascinated how a nation of intelligent ppl followed hitler....anyway I digress...this movie is the best of its ilk... of all the books I have read this is as close an account as what actually happened..... slight highjack.

                                    onto the price increase, this is madness on the part of Gibson ...going to be reversed I am sure...no one gets away with that especially when there are many viable alternatives to us the consumer.....

                                    I don't like etune guitars either...I want to touch the tuners, check the guitar, its part of a ritual.......
                                      IceCreamMan wrote:
                                      Charlie4 wrote: Let's put some humour into this situation. ?
                                      Btw,the movie is called Der Untergang. It's great if you're into WWII war movies.

                                      I consider myself an expert on WW2 ,specifically the Nazi Germany side of the war, I have always been fascinated how a nation of intelligent ppl followed hitler....anyway I digress...this movie is the best of its ilk... of all the books I have read this is as close an account as what actually happened..... slight highjack.

                                      onto the price increase, this is madness on the part of Gibson ...going to be reversed I am sure...no one gets away with that especially when there are many viable alternatives to us the consumer.....

                                      I don't like etune guitars either...I want to touch the tuners, check the guitar, its part of a ritual.......
                                      "Downfall" Brillaint Movie. Bruno Ganz should have got an oscar. Incredible German Actor.