Recently got myself a really good hifi amplifier courtesy of a chipamp & Matt Allison:
Also a fairly decent 2nd hand CD player:
And wow. Yummy.
Now I want to play .wav files and the like into the amplifier.
Plugged in my iPod & iPad through the headphone connector.
Sounds good, but nothing as good as the CD player.
Do some homework.
And the wisdom emerges that the DAC and preamp in the audio players are the problem.
In order to squish these into these portable devices; lots of compromises are made.
So I start researching external DAC's of similar quality to my CD player and I'm rapidly into 4k territory.
----- parallel thread -----
I have Ampkit on my iPad and would love to hook it up to my guitar and amplifier.
My excursions with iRig's and docking stations have all ended badly.
Witnessed Mojo's Apogee Jam 96k and was way impressed.
And this is in 2k territory.
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Now is it possible that instead of reading the advice of the cork-sniffer hifi people who listen to the music; I should take a peak at the recording people who make the music they listen to ...
Is it possible that there is a single device with a pro-spec A/D converter and D/A converter that I can use for both:
- interfacing my iPad to my guitar and amp for playing, and
- interfacing my iPad and hifi for listening?
The Apogee One seems to come very close:
Are there other devices that I could consider?
Also a fairly decent 2nd hand CD player:
And wow. Yummy.
Now I want to play .wav files and the like into the amplifier.
Plugged in my iPod & iPad through the headphone connector.
Sounds good, but nothing as good as the CD player.
Do some homework.
And the wisdom emerges that the DAC and preamp in the audio players are the problem.
In order to squish these into these portable devices; lots of compromises are made.
So I start researching external DAC's of similar quality to my CD player and I'm rapidly into 4k territory.
----- parallel thread -----
I have Ampkit on my iPad and would love to hook it up to my guitar and amplifier.
My excursions with iRig's and docking stations have all ended badly.
Witnessed Mojo's Apogee Jam 96k and was way impressed.
And this is in 2k territory.
----- join threads -----
Now is it possible that instead of reading the advice of the cork-sniffer hifi people who listen to the music; I should take a peak at the recording people who make the music they listen to ...
Is it possible that there is a single device with a pro-spec A/D converter and D/A converter that I can use for both:
- interfacing my iPad to my guitar and amp for playing, and
- interfacing my iPad and hifi for listening?
The Apogee One seems to come very close:
Are there other devices that I could consider?