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Is this what concerts have come to?? ??? >☹ ?

    • [deleted]

    True, someone commented to me "it used to be lighters people held up, now it's cell phones". You still get the "light "effect.
      I would be so embarrassed to have gotten a gig like this as a musician. Jess, they should go back stage, burn their instruments and then punch each other in the face for ruining the time honoured tradition of Rock Concerts!
        That was pretty funny sad. Go to a concert and cheer an animated character on...and the crowd seemed quite into it ???
          Well I actually think this is a better idea than some of the pop stars we have around today, at least this way there is no human on stage pretending to have this huge amount of talent. Not much difference really, I think the animated character just looks better and probably throws less tantrums.
            Isn't the real question: how the f do they do that?! ???

            Also, trying to understand Japanese pop culture is an exercise in futility IMO - even for those of us under 40 who grew up with masses of Japanese TV. Somehow it always seems to come down to: you have to be Japanese to get it. But the nation has a serious thing for artificial people = giant robots, cute little robots, artificial intelligences that present themselves as attractive young women and, yes, and holographic people.
              I guess I'm the only one here who thought that was kinda cool :O
                raithza wrote: I guess I'm the only one here who thought that was kinda cool :O
                hell no .. me too i think its fabulous...............

                cos really most pop acts have "human"/'live" puppets doing syncronised dance moves and lip syncing to studio vocals on a backtrack ........ and trying to create the image of a "real" singer ....... this is just what it is... a 3D generated image unashamably not trying to pretend to be anything other than what it really is ..... i love it ....... and it's a cool song too ......

                and anyway if singers who really sing use backtracks why shouldn't a band use a singer who's pre recorded heheeh the tables are turning it seems ......
                  I agree with Keira. These "so-called" artists that stand up and mime their shows annoy me. Just replace them with a 3d graphical image ? I think it's cool....

                    @ Keira and JohnnyReggae
                    So you think it's cool, I get that, but would you guys pay to go to this sort of "live" concert? ?
                      Sean wrote:
                      @ Keira and JohnnyReggae
                      So you think it's cool, I get that, but would you guys pay to go to this sort of "live" concert? ?
                      I might. Once. Provided I could find a connection for some powerful blotter acid.
                        Sean wrote:
                        @ Keira and JohnnyReggae
                        So you think it's cool, I get that, but would you guys pay to go to this sort of "live" concert? ?
                        damn right i'd pay money .. the rest of the band was rocking and it's a gimmick worth seeing live .... they quite like whats that other animated band....... damn i remember their hit so clearly but forget their name but they too use animated figures in all vids for the muso's ...... but i love the music ..... and anyway buying tickets for a concert like that is paying for the group experience......as in audience of thousands all grooving well just like the rave party's used to be.... ? those were incredible back in the height of rave music and in fact even being as 'musically organic" as i am now i still love good dance music...... not for the musicians or guitar riffs but for the goodtime vibe .... some of that dance genre is very "cleverly " put together .......
                          Keira WitherKay wrote: ...... not for the musicians or guitar riffs but for the goodtime vibe ....
                          Yeah, fair enough 8)
                            Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                            whats that other animated band.......
                            thats them....love their work ............
                              lol..........I thought that was funny.............I'm sorry I don't get Japanese culture, they're obsessed with everything hi-tech to the point of where it becomes plain wierd.

                              Animated girl running around a stage with super short mini dressed up to look like a school girl.................I'll pass on that one.

                                dirkv wrote: I would be so embarrassed to have gotten a gig like this as a musician. Jess, they should go back stage, burn their instruments and then punch each other in the face for ruining the time honoured tradition of Rock Concerts!
                                Oh I don't think it's that bad. Gorillaz did a good take on the technology a few years back - had the actual musos up on a platform at the back of the stage behind a curtain & backlit with dim blue wash, while their animated characters "performed" on stage level - along with the rappers - for "Feel Good Inc." Worked well for entertainment and you'd have to be severely challenged to believe the characters were the actual band.

                                As for this one vs. the musos:

                                1. It was a paying gig. 2. Musicians are also entertainers. 3. As has been said - no lead singer hystrionics. 4. They weren't the saddos cheering for a cartoon designed to attract paedophiles.

                                The cynic in me would probably chuckle over that aspect afterwards with friends.

                                IIRC Gene Symmons once said something along the lines of, "Laugh at me all you want. In fact come with me & laugh while I'm cashing my cheques." (in response to the comment that KISS were a vaudeville act & not a real band).
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