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  • Sep 8, 2013
  • Joined Jun 2, 2009
  • Have you guys tried GrooveShark yet ? http://www.grooveshark.com

    I've been using is for a little while and quite like the interface and usage. It's currently free to sign up etc...
    • chris77 wrote: Oh lawdy, Page plays techno! ?
      Seriously though, what the hell is that thing?
      I don't know ... but I want one ?
      • I'd have to go with BC Rich ... mostly because they are such bad-ass looking guitars. I really wanted a BC Rich when I first started playing electric .... but ... I love my LP and am glad I went that way rather.
        • Stratisfear wrote:
          Squonk wrote: Hey Johnny

          I remember NFOH quite well and I think they were hugely better live, but "Competition Rules" is great song and I am sure not too difficult to work out. I wonder what happened to NFOH.

          Barney Simon used to punt them a lot, Who remembers Barney's show on 5FM, he should be given an award for promoting local music!
          I went to only one show, but had a ball. They were great live. Hmm, Barney Simon... Yes, Psycho Reptiles and all the fun local stuff. One of my enduring memories is of Barney coming to play in Grahamstown: he threw out a station/show-branded shirt into the audience and the recipients threw it back at him. Hilarious. Also, he got hit square on the noggin by a perfectly aimed beer can (which was empty - his retort was, "Hey. At least throw FULL ones!"). I guess there were some dissenters when he started to become mainstream.

          Oh, and Johnny: did you see someone offering to tab out songs elsewhere in another thread? I'm sure there are a few of us on the site who would do this for you if you sent the MP3. Hang on...sending the MP3? Bwahahahaha...
          hahahahaha... I went to a Varsity Rag rock concert in Maritzburg where they had Mango Groove and NFoH playing amongst other bands. Mango Groove were playing are were being boo'd by the crowd, Barney came out to try calm everyone down and was pelted with beer cans. Needless to say Mango Groove finished their set early and were followed by NFoH who kicked some serious a$$.... seems like everyone was waiting for NFoH ?
          • Renesongs wrote: For SA bands I usually check http://www.tabs.co.za but there are no "No Friends of Harry" guitar tabs there either.
            Thanks for the link Rene, have bookmarked it.

            I remember listening to NFoH and watching them play live.... ahhh the days ... ?
            • Found this which makes sense, and will probably take some practice to get right ...

              • Bought a SA rock compilation triple cd the other day. Included was an old favourite by No Friends of Harry, Competition Rules. Figured I would try play it on guitar but not being currently able to transcribe by ear, does anyone have the guitar tab for that song in particular ?
                • I agree with Keira. These "so-called" artists that stand up and mime their shows annoy me. Just replace them with a 3d graphical image ? I think it's cool....
                  • Depending on what you want to accomplish with it you may want to upgrade. IMO it's not worth it though. They've made it a bit harder to work with, and by harder I mean it takes longer to get things done. Tabbing drums in V6 is also a major schlep compared with V5. I've also found that tabs I've done with V5 need to be re-tabbed/tweaked in order to work the way they are supposed to, mostly related to repeats of bars and alternate endings.

                    Either way v5 or v6, GP is still an awesome application. Don't know what I would have done without it. It has helped me write my own songs despite me not having much musical knowledge, I feel I've done ok in the end ?
                    • infernox wrote: Warren, the blood to bleed tab I downloaded does not play sound when I press play thats why I was asking. Is this normal?

                      Thanx for the link Johnny
                      Check your Audio Settings off the Options menu. You need a defined midi device in Ports, even if it is say Microsoft Wavetable Syth if you're using standard Midi playback. If you're using the RSE check your Audio Output settings.
                      • Jack Flash Jr wrote: Guys with which fingers would you play the 022xxx chords?

                        I barre or I and M. The dampening with rh palm or lh I...

                        Barre ... because I'm lazy ?
                        • @infernox

                          For learning songs I've found Guitar Pro an invaluable tool. It has helped me with timings and picking up rhythms more than anything else. Although I'm not a fan of their latest version, 6. There is an open source alternative, Tux Guitar, which reads and saves GP files.

                          Now to the GP files themselves... I use Ultimate Guitar to find most of my tabs. Obviously these files are not the artists work, they are someone's interpretation of the songs so there can be errors or differences to the actual songs.
                          • infernox wrote: Got the Ernie Ball Regular Slinky's in 10 guage. Thanx guys... no 3 for 2 special
                            I managed to get a 3 for 2 special on some strings at the new Marshall store in Tokai... and I didn't even have to take 3 of the same either ? Got a selection of sizes to play around with, all Ernie Ball.
                            Regular Slinky
                            Skinny Top Heavy Bottom
                            Not Even Slinky
                            Power Slinky (bought last week)
                            • inflames wrote:
                              Went into the new Marshall store yesterday. Some nice kit up.... had to wipe the drool away Smiley If only I had a few thousand R's spare ....
                              So the store opened?

                              I'm heading to Blouberg this weekend, will have to pop in!!!
                              Tokai is a fair distance from Blouberg ?
                              • Went into the new Marshall store yesterday. Some nice kit up.... had to wipe the drool away ? If only I had a few thousand R's spare ....
                                • doc-phil wrote:
                                  JohnnyReggae wrote: 3. Cannot easily edit/tab drums as only standard notation is now available on drum tracks, in fact this is the major issue I have with it.
                                  I'm glad you pointed that out... thanks. I thought tabbing of drums had only been disabled for the demo version. It is for the above reason alone that I will NOT be upgrading. What on earth would possess them to remove that feature? I use GP to tab out all my drums before importing into my DAW.
                                  Agree totally. I usually tab drums in GP and then import the midi of that into my DAW. Has worked really well for me so far, and easy enough to do. Any fine-tuning of drums I can then do in the DAW. So the lack of a drum tab in GP6 ruled it out straight away. You can use standard notation to "program" the drum track, but it is not as user friendly and would mean I have to learn how to do that from scratch again, when I can knock out a drum track in minutes with GP5 using tab.