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Two options this month, the fun one and the rather silly one.

1. Gimme Chords!

Here's three chords, G D/F# A - use 'em as you like. However you like, whatever progression, add more chords, go crazy. But you have to at least use those three chords somewhere, somehow.

Just because someone will ask, I think it's fine if you want to rather use/swop G Major, D major, A minor instead of those pictured. Though, those three pictured voicings have a distinct flavour together ?

Max 2 minutes length.

Bonus point for guessing the band that inspired me to choose these three chords. Second bonus point for guessing the song!

2. Gimme Pain!

Because @domhatch asked for something 'HECTIC', I dug this out of the "guitar lessons that are still kicking my ass" folder. It's a 12 bar blues progression in Cminor, but with more than a few -ahem- flavourful chords. Did I mention, there's 26 chord changes and only five shapes are used twice in 12 bars...

The purple highlights are my attempts at finding the root on each chord.

the full size scan is here on box

Good luck!

? Entries Close: Sunday, 18th August, 23:59PM (originally 11th)

?Rules: Only one rule, no more than two (2) minutes in length using the provided chords (or more). The rest is open to your interpretation

⁉How To Enter: Record your entry, sign up or log in to SoundCloud, post it there. Then grab the SoundCloud link and reply here with the link pasted in your reply.

?Prizes: The fame and glory of winning a GuitarTalk Challenge. And the ever increasingly dubious distinction of selecting the next challenge topic.

Anyone can enter this competition. You just need a guitar and a phone. But any other recording equipment is fine too.

Let us just be perfectly clear. I did not ask for pain! The simpler the better, for me...

  • V8 likes this.
5 days later

Made me remember the challenge ?

I'm pretty much stuck between the strum daddy and campfire wizard

Haha.. yeh.. me too. Although i skimp on the embelishments.

Coltrane changes... bring it dweeb ? priceless

    RCVN Bwahaha, funnnnyyy! :Nice find! ?

    At best, I'm a wannabe College Hopeful. THough I reckon that finger twister is somewhere between Mid level Maestro and Jazz Lord (P.s Jazz Lord = Elton, also funniest title of the lot!)

    Mmmm... might enter.

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      PeteM Heya Pete, would be great to have you enter again!

        It's all about time V8... very busy teaching guitar and vocals to my 32 kids, writing and arranging songs for my two bands SAGE and Misty Mountain Band and gigging with them. A seriously full life for a 72 year old. I love it! I'll see what I can do with the competition.

        • V8 replied to this.

          PeteM Whoa...send me what you have for breakfast, incredible! Keep it rockin' Pete!

            Can I ask question here regarding the chords and how to press the etc.... ?

              Please explain to me how this works:

              How do I press these Chords?

              How do I apply them?

              When do I use the "inversion" ?

              Nevermind. I found this:

              • V8 likes this.

              Are we supposed to combine #1 & #2?

              The 3 major chords into the minor C 12 bar jazz which I am currently learning at 30 bpm? ?

              • V8 replied to this.

                RodneyVikens Are we supposed to combine #1 & #2?

                It was meant as a either or scenario - though #2 was meant as a 'joke' for @domhatch who wanted something 'hectic'...so I dug out the 'finger twister' for him.

                Honestly didn't think anyone was reaallly gonna attempt it. FWIW, a few brave souls are trying it - though I'm not sure how much they like me at the moment. ?

                V8 and here I was preparing 6 hours a day, waking up at 3 in the morning. ?

                • V8 replied to this.

                  RodneyVikens Grin, I have tried learning this finger twister twice before - 3am is cruel and unusual punishment - beyond some of these inversions (I hate the first chord of bar 9 - the Ab7 inversion).

                  But then again, I'm from Cpt, so if it's before 10am it's far too early. If it's not wednesday I ain't interested. If it is wednesday, I'm far too busy. ?

                  5 days later

                  It is not possible to move the end date a week later? Work got hell busy this week, but I will try record something tomorrow..... Eish... Might not make it.

                  • V8 replied to this.