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PeteM Whoa...send me what you have for breakfast, incredible! Keep it rockin' Pete!

    Can I ask question here regarding the chords and how to press the etc.... ?

      Please explain to me how this works:

      How do I press these Chords?

      How do I apply them?

      When do I use the "inversion" ?

      Nevermind. I found this:

      • V8 likes this.

      Are we supposed to combine #1 & #2?

      The 3 major chords into the minor C 12 bar jazz which I am currently learning at 30 bpm? ?

      • V8 replied to this.

        RodneyVikens Are we supposed to combine #1 & #2?

        It was meant as a either or scenario - though #2 was meant as a 'joke' for @domhatch who wanted something 'hectic'...so I dug out the 'finger twister' for him.

        Honestly didn't think anyone was reaallly gonna attempt it. FWIW, a few brave souls are trying it - though I'm not sure how much they like me at the moment. ?

        V8 and here I was preparing 6 hours a day, waking up at 3 in the morning. ?

        • V8 replied to this.

          RodneyVikens Grin, I have tried learning this finger twister twice before - 3am is cruel and unusual punishment - beyond some of these inversions (I hate the first chord of bar 9 - the Ab7 inversion).

          But then again, I'm from Cpt, so if it's before 10am it's far too early. If it's not wednesday I ain't interested. If it is wednesday, I'm far too busy. ?

          5 days later

          It is not possible to move the end date a week later? Work got hell busy this week, but I will try record something tomorrow..... Eish... Might not make it.

          • V8 replied to this.

            V8 I found some free time tonight to do a recording. Week is going to be crazy so here goes. I am not sure how to record or master so it sounds good or "fuller". Haven't done any EQ on it. If someone would like the individual tracks to properly mix let me know. =) Sorry but I didn't do the 12-bar jazz chords, it's above my skill level for now but I will keep on practicing.

            Guitar - Epiphone Dot
            Amp - Blackstar HT Studio 20
            Pedals - Boss Pedals
            DAW - Reaper
            Microphone - Samson C01
            Headphone - Audio-Technica ATH-M40x
            Reverb - https://www.voxengo.com/product/oldskoolverb/
            Ambience - http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/#Ambience
            Bass VST - Ample Bass P Lite II
            Drum VST - MT-PowerDrumKit 2

            V8 welllllll... this is an interesting development... hehe. Mayhap I can scratch something out!

            5 days later