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RodneyVikens Grin, I have tried learning this finger twister twice before - 3am is cruel and unusual punishment - beyond some of these inversions (I hate the first chord of bar 9 - the Ab7 inversion).

But then again, I'm from Cpt, so if it's before 10am it's far too early. If it's not wednesday I ain't interested. If it is wednesday, I'm far too busy. ?

5 days later

It is not possible to move the end date a week later? Work got hell busy this week, but I will try record something tomorrow..... Eish... Might not make it.

  • V8 replied to this.

    V8 I found some free time tonight to do a recording. Week is going to be crazy so here goes. I am not sure how to record or master so it sounds good or "fuller". Haven't done any EQ on it. If someone would like the individual tracks to properly mix let me know. =) Sorry but I didn't do the 12-bar jazz chords, it's above my skill level for now but I will keep on practicing.

    Guitar - Epiphone Dot
    Amp - Blackstar HT Studio 20
    Pedals - Boss Pedals
    DAW - Reaper
    Microphone - Samson C01
    Headphone - Audio-Technica ATH-M40x
    Reverb - https://www.voxengo.com/product/oldskoolverb/
    Ambience - http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/#Ambience
    Bass VST - Ample Bass P Lite II
    Drum VST - MT-PowerDrumKit 2

    V8 welllllll... this is an interesting development... hehe. Mayhap I can scratch something out!

    5 days later

    Ok by accident I managed to finish this song in time for a submission. Was not my original intent but thanks to some members, I have a twisted arm and a submission.

      I should probably also say how is have used the Chords Challenge G, D/F#, A, in my track 'Dive Into The Deep Side' .

      It starts of with Bm7, D, G, C#m7, Em7, and then it goes into D/F#, G, Asus4, A and the track also ends with D/F#, G, Asus4, A.


      Ok, so there doesn't appear to be an "edit" on my post... I did the "gimme chords" one. I added a Bm in but used the interesting "G" and also made an interesting "A" for the intro/verse part.

      Started out with a picking thingy for the intro and verse. The chord sequence made me think of Collective Soul when I did the picking thing. The reverb I added to the acoustic made it accidentally have a "thump" on the bass notes which I felt was cool.

      The prechorus got a little busy a little quick... But I tried something new and added in some harmony with a second electric part which I felt helped start raising the energy to head into the chorus.

      The chorus could have used some more energy.

      I started the instrumental jobbie with a pick slide into the second chord of the progression (which I started early on instrumental... but it was late... I was tired... so I left it).

      Start to finish this piece was like 4 hours of faffing. I need to do this more often... and I reckon I should do some singing practice.