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This topic was started on another forum that I frequent, it sparked some interesting conversations regarding our animal companions and how they view our musical habits. So the question is, when you're playing or when you're listening to music how do your pets react?

I have an African Grey that I'm probably a little too attached too, I spend as much time with him every day as I can, the little dude even sleeps in my bed at night all snuggled up next to me. Whenever I play guitar he either sits on my shoulder trying to destroy my guitar strap, or if I'm too close to his cage (which is open 90% of the time) he reaches over and detunes my strings to get my attention.

When I'm listening to guitar oriented solo music he sometimes tries to sing along to the melodies that the guitarist is playing, and if I'm listening to metal he occasionally bobs up and down to it, or does this little shuffle dance where he sort of stands on one leg and bobs a bit and then switches legs. All in all he's a very smart and musical little guy ?

My dogs on the other hand are completely indifferent, they simply do not care at all, doesn't phase them in anyway.

Here's a pic of Spaz and I, he likes looking at himself in the webcam as he is a rather handsome little chap and he knows it. ?

    'n Man met 'n vogel is altyd vol inspirasie
    Thanks for sharing
      I have two dogs and they love it when I play guitar. they come and lie down by me and seem very relaxed when I play. I think that if dogs could really choose their genre of music it would be jazz. Just suits them somehow.
        Chad Adam Browne wrote: So the question is, when you're playing or when you're listening to music how do your pets react?
        Never was much a cat fan, but this little guy was fantastic company. Was a ultra-skittish stray that adopted me and -for whatever reason- would be completely chill out when I cranked the volume. Regardless of instrument or style, he'd be a happy kitty if there was a surplus of noise.

        Great shot of Spaz btw - Grey's can be such characters! My mates is literally human (at least in it's own mind), they are inseparable.
          OMG that story of your African Grey, Chad, is too cute! I'm a sucker for birds. All pets really but I love the character some birds have.

          Do we get a video of this sometime in the future? ?

          We've got 2 dogs and 4 cats. And they all pretty much hate it when I crank up the volume!

          Maybe if I played some jazz they'd enjoy that but I no longer "feel" the jazz. It's like I was briefly possessed by a guitarist with some soul but he's since left.

          (Not that I was ever good. No. But it sounded good to me at the time ?)
            My cat uses my bass cabs as scratch poles. >☹ Bad KITTY!!!
              The Macaw, Clyde is an accountant and the German Shepherd, Jade was a Stock manager before she passed :'(

              Oh you mean when they're home? ? the Macaw freaks out at any loud noises but the dog was chilled no matter what ?
                If I sit on the couch and play acoustic too long for my dachshund's liking. She hangs her tug rope over the neck of the guitar and stands on my forearm, forcing me to stop playing.

                When I play too long standing up, she places all her toys around my feet.
                  Nice one lindsmuse 8)

                  Storm my Border Collie some years ago, used to try and stop my left foot from tapping...
                  Constantly pawing it ?

                  Milo the cross pit bull joins in on vocals when I play the blues on the harp...

                  Milo duzzent like the fact that I stole his tennis ball to use on the foot pedal for the cajon I made...
                  He wants his ball back :-[
                    17 days later
                    Wonderful stuff going on here, sorry about my absence, the phonelines in our neighbourhood got stolen and it took about 2 weeks to get everything running again, yay telkom.

                    I don't know if this'll work but the other day my band posted a short clip of a video of my parrot jamming out to some Snarky Puppy.


                    It's like 4 or 5 posts down, I can't seem to figure out how to select it as an individual post or anything from Facebook.

                    Also ya'll might notice that my signature has changed slightly, that happened during my absence, pretty stoked about it ?
                      These are all pretty cool - the animals in my house pretty much just lie around when I am playing (I wonder what that says about my playing!?)

                      Lindsmuse, that is a Cool Cat! You obviously do not suffer from any allergic reaction to cats? I do but like cats ☹
                      DaFiz - that dog is very upset about his tennis ball, the longing in those eyes is demoralising!!
                      Chad - if enjoyment/appreciation of music is a sign of some higher form of consciousness then, judging from these posts, birds are in a different and higher league to some other life forms perhaps?
                        Chad Adam Browne wrote: I don't know if this'll work but the other day my band posted a short clip of a video of my parrot jamming out to some Snarky Puppy.

                        Too cute!
                        Chad Adam Browne wrote: It's like 4 or 5 posts down, I can't seem to figure out how to select it as an individual post or anything from Facebook.
                        If you click the date of the post, it takes you to the "permalink". You can then copy the URL and paste it in the forum to link directly to it, like this:

                        Chad Adam Browne wrote: Also ya'll might notice that my signature has changed slightly, that happened during my absence, pretty stoked about it ?
                        Congrats on the endorsement!

                          Diesel the black Labrador has outlived my Cort Earth Mini and has at least stopped digging up everything in the garden and house. It is impossible to play guitar with him around , not that guitar or music effects him, he does not stop wanting attention and will nudge the guitar until I put it down
                            Sorry - dumb with the quotes ☹

                            Squonk - Diesel is really cute
                            Chad, congrats and I think that your parrot has a very subtle sense of rhythm!
                            BrianG that ain't me babe (in the video) - some other beautiful and talented young lass ? . And agree on the higher consciousness.
                            Dafiz, I think Milo is singing 'The gimme back my tennis ball blues' Its an old standard amongst dogs ...
                              lindsmuse wrote: Dafiz, I think Milo is singing 'The gimme back my tennis ball blues' Its an old standard amongst dogs ...
                              I gave him a brand new Dunlop tennis ball as a replacement...
                              He wozzent happy... He wanted the stinky ball ☹
                                DaFiz wrote:
                                lindsmuse wrote: Dafiz, I think Milo is singing 'The gimme back my tennis ball blues' Its an old standard amongst dogs ...
                                I gave him a brand new Dunlop tennis ball as a replacement...
                                He wozzent happy... He wanted the stinky ball ☹

                                  lindsmuse wrote: BrianG that ain't me babe (in the video) - some other beautiful and talented young lass ? . And agree on the higher consciousness.
                                  ha ha - Don't go all "Bob" on me now; where is the "No, no, no"...(it ain't me babe)? ?
                                    Awesomeness. ?

                                    Here's another cat video, apparently this guy was just playing too many notes :?

                                      Chad Adam Browne wrote: Awesomeness. ?

                                      Here's another cat video, apparently this guy was just playing too many notes :?
                                      Oh man! That cat gave me a good laugh!
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