Howdy y'all
This topic was started on another forum that I frequent, it sparked some interesting conversations regarding our animal companions and how they view our musical habits. So the question is, when you're playing or when you're listening to music how do your pets react?
I have an African Grey that I'm probably a little too attached too, I spend as much time with him every day as I can, the little dude even sleeps in my bed at night all snuggled up next to me. Whenever I play guitar he either sits on my shoulder trying to destroy my guitar strap, or if I'm too close to his cage (which is open 90% of the time) he reaches over and detunes my strings to get my attention.
When I'm listening to guitar oriented solo music he sometimes tries to sing along to the melodies that the guitarist is playing, and if I'm listening to metal he occasionally bobs up and down to it, or does this little shuffle dance where he sort of stands on one leg and bobs a bit and then switches legs. All in all he's a very smart and musical little guy ?
My dogs on the other hand are completely indifferent, they simply do not care at all, doesn't phase them in anyway.
Here's a pic of Spaz and I, he likes looking at himself in the webcam as he is a rather handsome little chap and he knows it. ?

This topic was started on another forum that I frequent, it sparked some interesting conversations regarding our animal companions and how they view our musical habits. So the question is, when you're playing or when you're listening to music how do your pets react?
I have an African Grey that I'm probably a little too attached too, I spend as much time with him every day as I can, the little dude even sleeps in my bed at night all snuggled up next to me. Whenever I play guitar he either sits on my shoulder trying to destroy my guitar strap, or if I'm too close to his cage (which is open 90% of the time) he reaches over and detunes my strings to get my attention.
When I'm listening to guitar oriented solo music he sometimes tries to sing along to the melodies that the guitarist is playing, and if I'm listening to metal he occasionally bobs up and down to it, or does this little shuffle dance where he sort of stands on one leg and bobs a bit and then switches legs. All in all he's a very smart and musical little guy ?
My dogs on the other hand are completely indifferent, they simply do not care at all, doesn't phase them in anyway.
Here's a pic of Spaz and I, he likes looking at himself in the webcam as he is a rather handsome little chap and he knows it. ?