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Ok so a few of you guys know of my band Ragamuffin.

We're busy working and soon releasing some big things, and theres something which have been on the bands mind now for a while - the name. So if we were to change it, before the releases would probably be a good idea.

So why?
Well before I joined the band the name was already implemented, and if you do a google search now for "Ragamuffin band" you'll find Rich Mullin's and A Ragamuffin Band. As far as I know they've broken up years ago, but they're legacy still floats the front pages of Google, not to mention Wikipedia.

From a marketing standpoint this is a pretty concerning issue, as we're only on page 2 of Google results with that particular search.

The best solution we're standing at the moment with is a change to the name Ragamuffinz
The added z will allow us to top the Google results for that search as there are no other significant competitors in terms of that name.

Let me know what you guys think of the name Ragamuffinz, if not offer me alternatives. We wouldn't change the name to something too far from the original.

    Works well for me. Close enough to keep your audience, and different enough to work in Google. Problem solved.
      I don't like the idea of adding a Z to the end... It reminds me too much of being 12 and thinking that adding a Z to anything made one "3edgy5me!" (that's more edgy than 2edgy4me)
      My 2c

      Also, there's a local band called The Muffinz.
        It's the first thing that came to mind (as a fan of Rich Muillins). Rich died, and the actual Raggamuffin band - taken from Brennan Manning Book's - wasn't around that long. Still it's a tall order, cause Rich was quite a big name on the gospel scene (and rightly so), especially in the States. Has enough time past, if your band has greater aspirations than just SA in the Christian Music Sphere?

        [Edit] What type of music do you guys do?
          Hey Epictring! I was at your gig at Odd cafe a few weeks back! Didn't realize you were a forumite! ?

          You guys are awesome!

          Anyway, I think Ragamuffinz works well!!
            Only problem with "z" is that if you tell someone the name in person , their mind will default to "s" and so will google so they might struggle to find your material. (I was in a band with a 'z')
              How about the 'Muffin Raggers'? ?

                epictring wrote: Ok so a few of you guys know of my band Ragamuffin.

                We're busy working and soon releasing some big things, and theres something which have been on the bands mind now for a while - the name. So if we were to change it, before the releases would probably be a good idea.

                So why?
                Well before I joined the band the name was already implemented, and if you do a google search now for "Ragamuffin band" you'll find Rich Mullin's and A Ragamuffin Band. As far as I know they've broken up years ago, but they're legacy still floats the front pages of Google, not to mention Wikipedia.

                From a marketing standpoint this is a pretty concerning issue, as we're only on page 2 of Google results with that particular search.

                The best solution we're standing at the moment with is a change to the name Ragamuffinz
                The added z will allow us to top the Google results for that search as there are no other significant competitors in terms of that name.

                Let me know what you guys think of the name Ragamuffinz, if not offer me alternatives. We wouldn't change the name to something too far from the original.

                Add a Z it works......
                  Yeah don't like the Z. Too pseudo cool text speak IMO.

                  I do a lot of Internet marketing and with a little bit of work you could get your band on page one of Google, your nearly there already!

                  PM me if you want some tips.
                    i like the Z , it sounds abit more indie, but could go down well, sticks easier. The Z could also be a cool feature in the logo
                      psyx wrote: Hey Epictring! I was at your gig at Odd cafe a few weeks back! Didn't realize you were a forumite! ?

                      You guys are awesome!

                      Anyway, I think Ragamuffinz works well!!
                      Ahh thanks man, appreciate it!

                      I think we're going for the z so far. Thanks for the good feedback so far, seems to be about 50/50 votes with you guys at the moment so it's really gonna be a hard one to decide on.

                      Then again, we're no one, so a complete name change might not do as much damage.
                      A name that came up is The Hufflelongs
                        8 days later
                        WOuld people who here your name in passing not assume it is Ragamuffins? and search for that?

                        Its cool with a Z or an s at the end, but maybe a safer option to go with the -s- in terms of search engine?

                        you could probably use google SEO stuff to get it better results, I don't know much about that, just that you will have to pay for it surely. - ask anyone who is in marketing they will give you the lowdown on SEO's

                        Dude, dont worry i sympathise with your issue, as i started a whole thread a while back about our name concerns...
                        even know we kind of settled, i still have concerns and frustrations about spelling, and search engine results and just general branding of our name. so stil trying to iron out all that


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