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  • Oct 30, 2016
  • Joined Dec 12, 2010
  • Hi guys

    You might remember the band Ragamuffin I was in, we have renamed to The Years and pushed it to the next level. If you enjoyed our previous stuff you'll definitely enjoy this a lot!

    For your ears:

    Let us know what you think!
    • I'm still here! Haven't posted for a while, mainly because I haven't come across something I had something to say on. Ultimately this led to me not being on here as much as its not as interesting anymore.

      I think when Alan left a large portion of the community felt a big part of GFSA left with him.

      I do however think, as with any business, keeping things current (especially in a community driven website) is very important. Bringing in new innovative and interesting things that would want members to come visit more often.

      If the forum doesn't evolve with social networks and the rest of the competition, it will eventually die. This won't fix itself. Norio and the team is doing great work and I have great respect for them, I do however think a brainstorming session is in order to prevent the forum from losing even more numbers.
      • Glad to see you still around Alan.

        This is true. I started out as a guitarist but then saw the gap in the market and switched over to keyboards. Self taught though so I don't have much classical theory down. But bands don't care.

        Its really not a problem to get GOOD gigs as a synth player/keyboardist, the market is over-saturated with guitarists.
        • If you can get a good deal on a vst instrument and just buy a cheap midi controller that is also a good option as stated. Sometimes vst softwares goes for a steal on special, just keep an eye out. Controllers also have a better resale value and you can even find a use for it yourself ?
          • Didn't realise you guys are instrumental, are you planning on getting a vocalist later on?

            Listening now, sounds great
            • Thanks for the responses guys.

              The guy who is selling it to me quoted me on Parcelforce Couriers. After some research I gathered they aren't that great with their service and that they are overpriced. I am actually just asking for other options so I can request the seller to ship it to me via a better courier service. Right now the quoted courier is going to cost me close to 5k for shipping alone. I payed the same for a 30kg amplifier via UPS a few years back so something isn't right.
              • Hi guys, I'm bringing in a Synth/Keyboard from overseas and I'm not sure which shipping service (courier) to use?

                Transit: UK to SA

                I definitely want to stay away from the PO with this one, so I've had good experience with UPS, but are there others you could vouch for? Affordability with good service is also quite important.


                • For those who are at / close by the KKNK - come have a look at one of our performances!
                  • We are using one in the current recording process and it sounds great. Highly recommended.
                    • Some people have luck domestically, depending on your area it seems.

                      I wouldn't.
                      • warrenpridgeon wrote: I actually nearly fell off my chair today (I can see the road/gate from where I sit in my study) when the postman arrived for the first time in AGES today. He deposited two "you've got stuff at the post office slips".

                        So...I finally got some of my ebay items today... In Vereeniging, so things are getting going again!
                        I'm happy for you, I hope my stuff comes soon ?
                        • Update via SAPO:

                          Many residents of Gauteng are receiving mail again as mail processing continues in Tshwane Mail and Witspos, the major sorting centres of Gauteng. Tshwane Mail is today manned at 88% of full capacity. The mail centre will work over weekends and later introduce a night shift when enough employees and mail containers become available.
                          Witspos sorting centre has introduced a night shift.

                          Incidents of intimidation have been reduced following support from the SA Police Services and street delivery in most areas of Pretoria has resumed. In the greater Johannesburg area, delivery to postboxes has resumed.

                          A significant backlog remains at the Johannesburg International Mail Centre for mail coming into South Africa from other countries. Mail is flowing to countries outside South Africa. International surface mail is not affected by the industrial action.
                          No post offices are closed as a result of intimidation. Repair work has started on the post offices that were damaged by striking workers and these offices are expected to start opening from Monday 10 November.

                          Mail processing has also resumed at the Polokwane sorting centre, which was affected by industrial action. In other provinces the mail service is normal with no employees on strike.
                          • exsanguinator wrote: Well Durbans different then...too bad for all youse
                            I buy from ebay from china with free postage and it has always taken 24-29 days for years now
                            I've bought 4 times in the last two months, no probs, arrives on time.
                            I still get my all my bills on time
                            I send money in envelopes and birthday cards and never have had a problem.
                            I posted a 9kg box to Oudtshoorn on Monday was collected at post office on Friday
                            I don't use insurance as all parcels have tracking numbers
                            I must be the luckiest chap in RSA, but asking around, I'm not the only one.
                            Must be demographics then....

                            You are the exception. I've lost 3 parcels in the last few months (I hope they find it) along with most people using PO - businesses are closing, its real. For your own sake, DO NOT USE PO.
                            • Are you leaving as an admin or for good?

                              Blessings with your future, thanks for the advice and trades over the years.
                              • Is the version you're using pirated or did you buy it?

                                If its pirated, that may be why.
                                If its not, I'm sure contacting the people at guitar pro directly will prove beneficial.
                                • You would be pretty safe using a courier. Check out the total price first, it may be cheaper than buying locally.
                                  • beardedmoose wrote: Im not a fan of "power ballads" in general. i understand this is not a big production so you had limited resources at your disposal, the drumming needs rounding im not sure if its a machine or a person, its on time but it feels to clinical. the guitars tone is a bit grating like was said before. id prefer to hear a creamier drive... and the vocals are a bit off... apart from the pitch... this is a worship song and i just dont "believe" her.. it lacks passion.

                                    I wouldnt say theres a lack of talent here... all im saying if it were me id go back to the drawing board with this. It's rad that your trying to bring something new to the Cum books table here just rework it to be more apealing to a wider listening base.

                                    I always ask myself after i wrote something... Would I actually listen to this in my car?

                                    But thumbs up for the effort.
                                    This is good advice.

                                    I think the main task for you now is to shape this into something more friendly to your target audience, which are Christians who like rock music (as a general observation). The one point beardedmoose pointed is the lack of passion, most of the tracks in the song (first song) are very mechanical sounding - especially vocals and drums, maybe even guitar here and there (although its better).

                                    I like the second track more, better melodies.

                                    There's a lot of potential here though, with a little more work it can be really special. Something I recently learned from a well known producer is, don't try to sound like anyone or please people in terms of the style you're playing. Honestly this is sounding too much like other bands in this genre (Lacuna Coil maybe?), go sit down and think what you can do to make your band stand out and be DIFFERENT. The only reason big bands like Fokofpolisiekar, DieHeuwels etc made it so well is because they came to the market with something different to offer to the Afrikaans scene while also sounding quite distinct when taken out of the Afrikaans label. Not trying to discourage, but I wish I followed this in my previous project which was a similar rock group.

                                    You DO have special "magic" elements, the main thing now is to peel away everything that makes you sound like someone else and work on the special stuff you've got going, this is hard, but it will make you stand out, which is important in the music clutter we live in. This doesn't need to happen instantly, its a process.
                                    • Chad Adam Browne wrote: I actually know the ex bassist and singer personally, so to clear up some of the stuff going on in this thread.

                                      1 - They don't seem to have any idea how they ended up on Piratebay.

                                      2 - The band has long been overs, inactive, nada. Maybe they'll reform because of this, or maybe they'll just ignore it, don't know about that, but they're definitely not currently going.

                                      So in a nutshell it's interesting but ultimately I don't think it'll mean anything to them.
                                      Makes sense, cool that pirate bay are giving free exposure.