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  • So apparently Green Day is not Justin Bieber

In which Billy Joe Armstrong shows off his erudite vocabulary, his axe wielding prowess and his extreme displeasure with their set being cut short to allow more time for Usher...

    And then checked himself into rehab... : :-[
      Hehehe i saw this on monday . A proper meltdown on stage. Shame, The fest was probably geared more towards acts like Usher anyways ?

      Not very professional imho. I love how the bassist immediately followed suit. Also , lol at the Sound of the mic dropping at the end ?
        RJN wrote:Not very professional imho.
        On whose part? Well, both I would think. Very unprofessional to spit your dummy on stage but also very unprofessional to cut an artist's set short halfway through it.
        RJN wrote:I love how the bassist immediately followed suit. Also , lol at the Sound of the mic dropping at the end ?
        Yeah, the mic pop at the end was the funniest of it all. ?
          I am not much of a Green Day fan but completely agree with this freak out. Seriously, they have been around for ages and have had such an impact on the music scene. Yes music has moved on and the times have changed so maybe the organisers should not have included them on the bill but finally.... Rock Stars doing what they do best, wrecking shit! ?

          When did rock stars ever have to be professional?
            Dirkv wrote:When did rock stars ever have to be professional?
            They don't have to, they can be amateur if they want. Somehow I just reckon most people expect a band that's "been around since effing nineteen-eighty-effing-eight" to be professional but, really, it's up to them to decide whether they're professional or amateur.
              RJN wrote: Hehehe i saw this on monday . A proper meltdown on stage. Shame, The fest was probably geared more towards acts like Usher anyways ?

              Not very professional imho. I love how the bassist immediately followed suit. Also , lol at the Sound of the mic dropping at the end ?
              Then Green day shouldn't have been invited/hired/given the opportunity to perform there.

              Agree with Deefstes, he was wrong to gooi n vloermoer, but you don't belittle an artist by insinuating that the real act is waiting off stage and they should hurry up.

              Organisation here must've sucked. You tell an artist beforehand what type of slot he should fill, if he is told to cut it short (provided he kept to his time constraints) it must be because somebody else went over their time limit, and it's demeaning to say: "Sorry, Beyonce went over her time limit, so we need to cut your act short" or "Sorry, Usher really needs to take his meds in 40 minutes, could you guys please leave" or "Sorry, you suck, could you please leave the stage"

              The only excuse for this would be if Green day went over their slot, in which case it should've been handled much more tactfully...but that's just my 2c worth, I'm not a fan of either...
                Yeah. Obviously pushed to the limit. Good for their credibility.

                I was amused for my part. And the crowd loved it.
                  Tell you what though, that guitar was able to handle a lot more beating than I expected...
                    VellaJ wrote: Tell you what though, that guitar was able to handle a lot more beating than I expected...
                    I was thinking the same thing.
                      gREENDAY are Billy Joe Armstrong , Tre Cool and Mike Dernt, who is Usher?
                        strataxe wrote: gREENDAY are Billy Joe Armstrong , Tre Cool and Mike Dernt, who is Usher?
                        Man I loathe Usher. And I don't hate R'nB artists on principle at all. But what a smug idiot that guy is.
                          singemonkey wrote:
                          strataxe wrote: gREENDAY are Billy Joe Armstrong , Tre Cool and Mike Dernt, who is Usher?
                          Man I loathe Usher. And I don't hate R'nB artists on principle at all. But what a smug idiot that guy is.
                          I second that!
                          And also... What he did is per definition punk rock! :woohoo:
                          Sticking it to the man (and making an ass of himself)
                            We experienced something similar this weekend (without the vloermoer...)

                            We went to White Mountain Music Festival this weekend, and one of the artists, Andrew James' set was cut short. Probably my favorite performance of the weekend, and he was not even allowed to finish... Granted, his setup/soundcheck did take a long time, but all of the performers were asked to perform more songs, even those partaking in the open mic sessions.

                            I know I would be very upset if that happened to me...
                              that. or the classic publicity stunt.

                              their new album was released on tuesday by the way.......

                                Publicity stunt or not that was funny, especially the bassist going with it and went rockstar on that thing. ?
                                  Yeah i found it pretty hilarious as well I must admit. The way the basist all of a sudden decided to get involved and the the final mic bit just topped off the Justin Bieber comment beautifully! And to think that maybe one day they may be able to shout instead that they are not the Parlatones ?
                                    I rate it was all staged, the whole way he goes about it seems very haphazard - not like it's actually fueled by real rage at all. As for the rockstar comments, this is Green Day, they are every bit as cut and paste as all the other pop artists on that roster, there is nothing "rockstar" about them at all these days. There may have been about 20 years ago but now they are every bit as commercial as Bieber or Usher.

                                    As for the guitar breaking, I rate that dude needs to hit a gym, I've seen Gibson Les Pauls lose their headstocks when confronted by a solid breeze...
                                      Chad Adam Browne wrote:
                                      As for the guitar breaking, I rate that dude needs to hit a gym, I've seen Gibson Les Pauls lose their headstocks when confronted by a solid breeze...
                                      Hehe , My thoughts exactly !
                                        Chad Adam Browne wrote: I rate it was all staged, the whole way he goes about it seems very haphazard - not like it's actually fueled by real rage at all. As for the rockstar comments, this is Green Day, they are every bit as cut and paste as all the other pop artists on that roster, there is nothing "rockstar" about them at all these days. There may have been about 20 years ago but now they are every bit as commercial as Bieber or Usher.

                                        As for the guitar breaking, I rate that dude needs to hit a gym, I've seen Gibson Les Pauls lose their headstocks when confronted by a solid breeze...
                                        +1 on that. It doesn't seem very angry AT ALL. People calling this 'rage' haven't seen real anger then. I got the feeling he was either holding back a LOT in order to stay professional, or it was staged. The substance abuse thing is probably also a crock to get them out of crap with the event organisers.