I first learned jazz from Hugo De Waal for 6 months,
Then from Johny Fourie for 3 years. (during which I had ensemble with Jonathan C)
and then a year with Jonathan C.
And then I needed to get away from studying. It's amazing how your music and
creativity can suck by the time you play a 4th year recital, only to play stuff 4 weeks later that
blows it all away. Your mind needs to clear.
Oh, I'm sceptical about that one thing someone said. Think it was Charlie Parker or Coltrane.
They said "you are always one semitone away from being 'inside' " or one semitone away from
playing a correct note in other words... sure you can resolve any note in jazz, but lets say you're
not yet that accomplished and you're playing the C major scale over a Cmaj chord... you plat the F note
which can sound really horrible(unless the chord is a sus), you then shift up to F# which most people
would find odd anyhow since it's the #11 of the chord, but the chord progression changes the chord to
Am... oh boy, then you would be hitting 2 avoid notes in a row... Ouch... bad luck. ?
Then from Johny Fourie for 3 years. (during which I had ensemble with Jonathan C)
and then a year with Jonathan C.
And then I needed to get away from studying. It's amazing how your music and
creativity can suck by the time you play a 4th year recital, only to play stuff 4 weeks later that
blows it all away. Your mind needs to clear.
Oh, I'm sceptical about that one thing someone said. Think it was Charlie Parker or Coltrane.
They said "you are always one semitone away from being 'inside' " or one semitone away from
playing a correct note in other words... sure you can resolve any note in jazz, but lets say you're
not yet that accomplished and you're playing the C major scale over a Cmaj chord... you plat the F note
which can sound really horrible(unless the chord is a sus), you then shift up to F# which most people
would find odd anyhow since it's the #11 of the chord, but the chord progression changes the chord to
Am... oh boy, then you would be hitting 2 avoid notes in a row... Ouch... bad luck. ?