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  • Jun 13, 2016
  • Joined Mar 27, 2010
  • Aubs1 wrote: Really nice video.
    I was always wandering what that guitar was gonna sound like. Well, now I know, pretty awesome.
    Thank you. ? I taught the guitar everything it knows. ?
    • Stoffeltoo wrote: My daughter currently studying Graphic art and design was a raving about the clip and cool tones indeed! Well done Mr Peachy Dragon!
      Thank you Stoffeltoo! It warms my heart to hear that it is appreciated.
      I was concerned about the video being overly corny, even though it conveyed what I felt.
      • Julian Emdon wrote: And don't forget to use a small coin instead of a plectrum 8)
        Haha. I used to... first 50 cents, then 2 rands then larger coins filed into pick shapes.
        Then stubbies and now more standard hard picks.
        I am not trying to sound exactly like him. ?
        • PeachyDragon wrote: No the tone from that setting would be shrill as hell. Brian uses the neck and bridge out of phase tons on solos like Killer Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody as far as I recall and also uses the bridge and middle in phase. Those are the most common settings he uses. The out of phase setting is so common that his pickups have been adjusted to cancel hum out of phase on that setting.
          I was wrong. ?
          info here:
          • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: I gather you are pleased with the way it turned out (I would be ?)?
            I love the guitar!
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote:You have a more edgy lead tone (doesn't he use neck and middle OOP a lot?), but it's still good. The clean sound is gorgeous.
            No the tone from that setting would be shrill as hell. Brian uses the neck and bridge out of phase tons on solos like Killer Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody as far as I recall and also uses the bridge and middle in phase. Those are the most common settings he uses. The out of phase setting is so common that his pickups have been adjusted to cancel hum out of phase on that setting.
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote: No it's fine. Love the Peachy Dragon.com logo. If I had to complain about anything, it would be the standing on a peak with clouds going by thing, which is a bit overdone. What do you use for video editing, BTW?

            As far as the composition goes the only things I was a bit leery of were the arpeggios (at about 0:48), which seemed a little forced and out of place and one note you held at 2:31.
            Oh dear. I was referring to the cloud and mountain thing. The logo is standard on all my videos. I use Adobe Premier and Adobe After Effects.
            • I was concerned that I had made the video too corny and distracted from a composition I am REALLY proud of.
              • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Very cool sound and video. I like the sound from your guitar. ?
                Thank you Alan. It's the custom I had built. I still want to make a video of it in more detail.
                For the lead stuff I am mostly using the neck and bridge single coils out of phase. It gives a biting yet melodic
                sound. Sometimes I will just have all the pickups on and in phase, but for distortion sounds I love the balance that
                out of phase sound gives. My pedal is a Vox LE with the vox AC30 sound and treble boost and my amp is a 1981 Vox AC30 not cranked much at all. Yes it is clear I have an obsession with Brian May but I am also not trying to get his exact tone.
                • Here is something new I composed, recorded and made a video for. ?

                  cover song:
                  • Squonk wrote: That guitar is just hectically brilliant.

                    Just one question, what is "Peachy Dragon" all about? ?
                    It's a name I chose for my website ages ago.
                    I was playing with interesting combinations of words and I had a few options,
                    but I saw a logo that had a dragon on it and thought... so kitch yet cool...
                    So combined with some old slang that I think only my mother uses I came up with it.
                    Also, a dragon was the first things I ever remember drawing at age 3 or 4.

                    I considered putting other things on the headstock, but this felt right.
                    • Rikus wrote: Dude, that looks awesome... Can you give us a bit of info on how you set that up?
                      Rikus, do you mean how I set up the studio to take the photographs?
                      White backdrop with infinity curve, 60cm x 60cm softbox 45 degrees off centre to the left.
                      shoot-through umbrellas 45 degrees off contre to the right. Both using speedlights and remote triggers.
                      Some "overlay" and "soft light" blending mode layers in photoshop to make the contrast pop.
                      Need more info?
                      • I did some product shots of the guitar on Saturday morning for fun. Enjoy. I love the look!

                        • Thank you Nicholas.
                          Norman, no idea why they cropped out the side of the guitar in the bottom pics of the pages you posted. Makes it look like an S series ibanez.
                          • Norman86 wrote:

                            Look what got put in the Fret Shop's advert in the Afrikaans is groot booklet.
                            Awesome. Thanks for sharing Norman. I didn't know. ?
                            • It has a neck like a baseball bat, but I wanted that and it's awesome. Some people might have a little hissy fit about it though. ?
                              • Norman86 wrote: looks good...
                                so how does she sound?? 8)
                                Played it today for the first time. It is glorious. Unfortunately my schedule is way overbooked, but I look forward to playing with it some more asap!
                                • Picking it up and playing it tomorrow.
                                  process summary

                                  Drum-roll please.

                                  • eric vaxxine wrote: I post my bands audio recordings on YouTube with photo's
                                    as visuals, using Windows Movie Maker.

                                    as here

                                    How did you create animation 'over' an audio recording?
                                    I did it all with after effects and photoshop and about 20 to 30 hours time.
                                    • eric vaxxine wrote: yeah, I like it.
                                      How did you animate your audio?
                                      how do you mean animate my audio? are you asking about the audio or video side of things?
                                      • Okay, it's a video with music I sang but not a music video I guess.
                                        Its a parody I made of dumb ways to die featuring flying superheroes.
