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OK, just put another track together.

This time...

- I figured out a cool rhythm
- Then borrowed a drum track Deaan (on here) created
- Recorded them together
- Recorded lead
- Replaced the lead with a new lead but, this time, with WahWah

The lead sound is basically...

- A little bit of distortion from my DS-1
- A little bit of overdrive my Rakarrack
- A little bit of echo (delay) from Rakarrack
- A little bit of WahWah from Rakarrack


All feedback welcome! On my playing, recording, anything!
    NB: I had the wav file up previously (35Mb!!) till Francis pointed that out. I've now uploaded the correct file (only 2.9Mb ?). Please download and critique.

      Cool. Pretty agressive stuff. I would have edited the amp noise out in the beginning. The lead guitar is too overpowering and drowns out the backing track completely. Too many notes for such a bluesey tune, but pretty nice playing overall. I'd say an 8 out of 10.
        ? Thanks Seph! I'm calling it my Kirk Hammet recording ? The wah plus agressive playing makes me think of him.

        I didn't do any editing at all. Just mixed the levels a bit. (Is that the right way to say it?)

        To be honest, I haven't figured out how to editing using Ardour yet but I'll figure it out in time.

        Thanks again for the feedback! I've been sitting here pressing refresh for a coupla hours now waiting for something!
          PS: Will ease back on the lead guitar! I think I just got so into it and in love with it that I made it realllly loud ?
            That intro bend is far off - going nowhere. Let the rhythm riff play through once to set the tone before the lead comes in. Otherwise I'm completely on board with Seph's comments. You've come quite far in a short space of time - well done.
              Thanks ?

              I really enjoyed this one. Mucked about most of this afternoon with all sorts of things when I eventually said, "fuck it", picked up my guitar and started playing something. The rhythm eventually popped out (as they tend to do) and the rest started falling into place ?

              I was thinking along similar lines about the lead kinda skrikking people out of their boots before they even get a chance to hear anything else ? Will move it forward a bar or 3.

              "Intro bend is far off" as in wrong note or off as in doesn't fit there in the beginning? I thought it sounded right but maybe I need some ear-training!

                I just listened to the 2nd mix as well. Sorry I took some time to listen again. (I got me the Godfather remastered DVD this weekend and watched part 2 - up to the intermission - gosh I never realised they made such long movies in the good days).

                Anyways I think the new mix is a lot clearer, but this time the riff is too loud. Just a suggestion. When you remix a song, let it rest overnight and listen to it again with fresh ears the next morning. (I always like to put it on my iPod and listen to it when I drive to work.) Overall, the instruments are much clearer 2nd time round. I agree with Alan about the bends, but do not get discouraged. The best way to improve is by doing it. Again and again. You are really moving foreward each time - as you have do already. I like the beginning now. Almost reminds of Black Sabath style hard riff with the bluesey solo.

                PS. Now that the instruments are clrearer I start to nitpick a bit more. A bit of playing with the stereo field would be great.

                Keep it commin'
                  Thanks for the great feedback, Seph ?

                  Thanks, will do the sleep-on-it thing. I reckon I'm just a tad over-excited right now ?

                  Will do some bending exercises. I'm scared that bending sharp has become a habit for me -- in seek of that screeching (just a little bit more, please) sound. It will take some focus to break that one!

                  I'd love to play in the stereo field but my dog trashed my right speaker ?


                    That screaching that guys get is from a combination of feedback and vibrato while bending. Watch a video from Garry Moore, Clapton or Dave Gilmour. Thay are masters at it. It just takes a "wiggle" from the wrist to get that extra feeback screach going.
                      Thanks Seph ? Will practise my vibrato on bends. That's been a big hurdle for me for a loooong time. I can vibrato but, on a bend, it just seems to go WAY out of whack.

                      Practise, practise, practise! Thanks for the tips. I love you guys ?
                        Very nice Norio, I see what you mean about the Kirt feel!
                          Thanks Dimitri, Spyke ?

                          I'm glad I'm not the only one feelin the Hammet thing ?
                            Wow!! Great job dude, I agree with Alan, that first bend sounds a tad off, but ya I would be able to tell if it's sharp or flat haha. The second one is much better, really good stuff!
                              Good stuffs norrie! The vibrato on bending stuff ... Well meir got hold of me with that so it helps. Ill come show you sometime but i sometimes bend a string down and do vibrato if it has to be aggresive! I think we must jam and record next week ?
                                Thanks guys ? I'm going to get some paying work done this week and focus what practise time I have on vibrato on my bends and bending to pitch.

                                Next week I hope to have another song recorded. But don't hold your breath ?